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What? I Actually Reincarnated As Stepping Stone In Another World?

Chapter 94 Celestria City, A Gift For Rian
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Feywild Forest

Arthur and Rian raced side by side at high speed through the Feywild forest, the closest shortcut to the Weis family's place.

"Seems like we still have quite a long way to go," Arthur murmured softly, his gaze sweeping over the still densely populated trees surrounding them.

They had ventured deep into one of the renowned forests in the southern region—the Feywild Forest—a place that instilled fear in those who dared to pass through it due to its abundance of formidable beasts.

Legend has it that within the depths of the Feywild forest resides a creature known as the shadow whisper—an animal notorious for hunting unsuspecting travelers.

Arthur attempted to depict its figure, which bore a resemblance to the tigers he had encountered in his previous world, albeit larger and more menacing in appearance.

Its skin was as dark as the night itself, and its eyes possessed a faint purplish hue.

However, it was not merely the creature's formidable strength that set it apart as a true monster; its astonishing speed was its most distinctive attribute.

Even a nine-circle elemental with mastery over the wind element, utilizing an acceleration-type wind elemental art, would likely find themselves overmatched by this formidable creature.

That was precisely why Arthur had enlisted Rian as his escort during their journey to visit the Weis family—a trip fraught with danger that necessitated the presence of a capable guardian.

"I'm sorry for imposing the responsibility of my protection on you, Rian," Arthur expressed with genuine gratitude, casting a glance at Rian riding alongside him.

"No need to apologize, young master Arthur," Rian responded casually.

"In fact, as per your instructions, once I've escorted you safely, I will promptly head to Arkham to locate the two individuals you requested," Rian added.

Arthur acknowledged Rian's words with a nod of agreement.

On the eve of his departure, he approached Rian and requested that he assume the role of his personal bodyguard for the journey.

His decision to enlist Rian as his bodyguard for the journey was not due to any lack of desire or trust in the escort provided by the power of the troops at the Asvold family mansion.

Rather, he wished to keep his departure as discreet as possible, known to only a select few.

Moreover, he couldn't disregard the possibility that among his own bodyguards lurked the elusive shadow army figure—a spy strategically planted by David to maintain unwavering surveillance over him.

Therefore, he was unwilling to take any unnecessary risks by drawing further attention to his journey.

"Oh, I almost forgot to mention that I have already made all the necessary arrangements for the person I promised to accompany you on this mission," Arthur exclaimed, his voice infused with the sudden realization of something crucial.

"Further, when you arrive in Arkham next, make your way to the renowned establishment known as the 'Star of Lust.' There, you'll find an individual adorned in a black cloak, patiently waiting in the left corner," Arthur explained with such meticulous detail that it left Rian thoroughly astonished.

"Thank you sincerely, young master Arthur!" Rian expressed his gratitude once more, recognizing that Arthur's intentions were to facilitate his undertaking of this rather challenging mission.

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"Not a problem at all! Let's reach our destination before sunset!" Arthur waved his hand in assurance, urging his horse forward.

The two of them swiftly galloped away, moving with remarkable speed akin to the wind itself.


In the midst of the afternoon, Arthur and Rian reached a grand city gate, which appeared immensely imposing and fortified by towering, formidable walls.

Even Arthur himself appeared minuscule in comparison, sensing an ant-like insignificance in the face of the massive city gates and walls before him.

"So, this is Celestria City," Arthur whispered, his gaze fixed upon the city gates and walls.

To be truthful, this was Arthur's inaugural visit to this city, as he had mostly confined himself to the mansion or journeyed to Rozen City for leisurely activities with Alicia or Elena.

"Indeed, Young Master Arthur," Rian acknowledged with a nod.

"This is Celestria City, renowned as the largest trade center in the southern region and perhaps even throughout the entire Balka Empire!" Rian's amazement echoed Arthur's own.

Arthur nodded, fully in agreement with Rian's statement.

Nevertheless, despite Rozen being the capital of the southern region, it paled in comparison to the magnificence of Celestria City.

This distinction was not without justification.

As the largest trading city, Celestria held a pivotal role in the southern region, serving as the primary supplier of materials.

Rozen, being the capital city, relied heavily on Celestria for its resources and merchandise.

Furthermore, it came as no surprise that the ruling family of this region was none other than the esteemed Luvic Family—the Weis family, renowned for their high status and influence on trading!

Among the four main cities in the southern region, the three prominent Luvic Families held dominion over the three key cities.

The four main cities comprised Rozen, serving as the primary capital under the direct control of Duke Asvold's mansion.

Celestria stood as the bustling hub of trade and commerce throughout the entire southern region, governed by the Weis family.

Avalora held the position of educational and scholarly center, governed by the Allen family.

Lastly, Arcanum took on the role of the military stronghold and the city of knights, commanded by the Valha family.

Despite the considerable power held by each of the esteemed Luvic families, the ultimate authority still rested with Duke Asvold's mansion, which served as the central seat of power in the southern region.

"Alright, let's proceed!" Arthur exclaimed, and together, adorned in the masks and robes they had prepared, they ventured inside.


Celestria City

After passing through the main gate and clearing the watchful gaze of the guards, Arthur and Rian proceeded on foot, guiding the horse they led with a tether.

Within the city limits, it was strictly forbidden to ride horses unless they were designated for transporting goods, and Arthur was well aware of this regulation.

"It's truly remarkable and bustling with activity!" Arthur observed his surroundings, where merchants engaged in various transactions, creating a vibrant atmosphere.

"Even Rozen didn't experience such a level of congestion," Rian agreed, and the two continued walking until they reached a renowned inn within that part of the town.

Arthur securely tethered his horse at the inn's provided stables.

However, upon noticing that Rian had not done the same, Arthur promptly inquired, "Are you planning to depart soon?"

Rian nodded in agreement and responded, "You're right; the sooner I depart, the better."

Arthur paused momentarily and suggested, "Considering it's late at night, perhaps it would be wiser to travel tomorrow. What do you think?"

However, Rian firmly declined, assuring Arthur, "Please don't worry, young master Arthur!"

"With my abilities, I will be safe."

"Nevertheless, with my strength, I'll be more than capable, and currently, only top experts wielding high-level Elemental Saint power or above can pose a threat to me."

Observing Rian's unwavering determination, Arthur chose not to press the matter further and nodded, accepting Rian's decision.

"Alright, if that's what you wish, then go ahead!" Arthur spoke in a lighthearted tone, no longer holding back.

Rian smiled, preparing to bow and bid farewell, but before he could do so, Arthur swiftly retrieved something from his space pouch.

Without delay, Arthur produced a vial containing a vibrant red potion and handed it to Rian.

"This is for you, Rian," Arthur said nonchalantly as he tossed the red potion towards him.

Rian swiftly caught it, his confusion evident in his expression.

Curiosity piqued, Rian glanced at Arthur, seeking an explanation.

However, Arthur simply shrugged his shoulders and remarked casually, "Go ahead, check it out."

Rian furrowed his brow and inspected the bottle, then cautiously unscrewed the cap and took a whiff of its contents.

Instantly, his expression underwent a rapid transformation, and his body started trembling violently.

"This...this..." Rian stammered, his gaze fixed on Arthur in utter disbelief.

With a smile and a nod, Arthur confirmed, "Yes, that's right."

"It's a gift for you, so you won't have to worry about fulfilling your duties in the future."

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Trembling, Rian tightly clenched his fists, his gratitude overwhelming him.

Without hesitation, he lowered his head and expressed his gratitude: "Thank you! Thank you, young master Arthur!"

Unable to contain his excitement, Rian's emotions overflowed.

Arthur, noticing his state, swiftly intervened and instructed, "Stand up!"

"No need for that."

"Focus on recovering yourself as quickly as possible," he said with a casual tone.

Rian promptly straightened himself and bowed once more, affirming, "Rest assured, young master Arthur!"

"I swear to be your loyal subordinate, never to betray you!" Rian declared with resolute determination.

In response, Arthur simply nodded and smiled, acknowledging Rian's commitment.

Arthur wasn't too surprised by Rian's reaction, considering the bottle he had given him contained a fifth-level healing potion.

The value of such a potion, if sold at an auction, would be tremendous, considering that even a third-grade healing potion was already highly valuable.

However, Arthur didn't concern himself with its market value as long as it served his purpose.

He was aware that Rian had been poisoned, resulting in a significant decrease in his strength.

With this potion, Rian's strength would undoubtedly be restored to its peak, and the poison in his body would be cured.

Indeed, with the restoration of Rian's strength, he would become a formidable asset to Arthur.

To Arthur, this was of greater significance than the value of the fifth-level potion itself.

However, it couldn't be denied that acquiring such a potion did put a strain on his financial resources.

"Alright, you may take your leave," Arthur said nonchalantly, and Rian nodded in response.

"In that case, I bid you farewell, young master Arthur!" Rian expressed respect, and Arthur acknowledged him with a nod.

Subsequently, Rian led his horse back towards the main gate, leaving the city of Celestria behind.

Meanwhile, Arthur made his way to a luxurious inn and secured the most extravagant room available.

Inside the inn room,

Arthur settled himself into a chair beside the bed, retrieved a piece of paper, and began writing on it.

After a while, he completed his writing, folded the paper into a letter, and carefully inscribed the name of the recipient, Anna Weis.

Leaning back in his chair, Arthur mused to himself, "I must swiftly attend to matters here and make haste towards the remaining two families as soon as possible..."