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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 55
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“How could you threaten your mother for a woman, Carter? Is that how you’re going to treat me after all

that I’ve done for you?”

“Mom, we can discuss this when I get back. I’m working now,” Carter replied, doing his best to change

the subject.

“Fine. I’ll be waiting for you to come back. The Larsons’ eldest daughter is back from overseas. She’ll be

coming over to visit us today, so you’d better be polite.” Having said her piece, Faye immediately hung


Carter scratched his head in irritation. He strode over to the window and stared out of it glumly, lost in


That night, he drove over to the Scott residence.

The Scotts ranked prominently among the wealthy elites in the city. Their place of residence was a

sprawling villa situated just behind an unending stretch of trees. The entire landscape was fastidiously

spruced and trimmed.

Carter parked his car and sauntered toward the entrance of the villa. A middle-aged man greeted him

reverently, saying, “Welcome home, Mr. Carter. Mrs. Scott and her guests are waiting for you inside.”

Warmly, Carter replied, “Raymond, it’s been a while since I’ve met you. How are you doing?”

“Thank you for your concern, Mr. Carter. I’m still going strong. Mrs. Scott has greatly missed you in the

month that you were gone from home,” Raymond informed him.

“Got it, Raymond. I’m just about to head in and make it all up to her,” Carter declared.

Besides Jack and Faye Scott, present in the living room were another middle-aged couple and a

beautiful, fashionable young lady.

Carter furrowed his brows slightly. It was quickly wiped away, however, leaving Carter once again looking

every bit the perfect gentleman.

He walked over and courteously greeted his parents, “Mom, Dad.”

Brimming with pride for his son, Jack replied, “Welcome home, son.”

Carter was evidently the apple of Faye’s eye, too. She sprung up and fussed over him, taking over the

jacket from his hands. “You’ve been busy working all day, Carter. Are you tired?”

Carter shook his head. He turned toward the couple seated next to his parents and remarked, “Mom, are

these our guests? I don’t think I’ve met them before.”

Faye swatted her head. “Look at me! I was too caught up in my delight at seeing you that I totally forgot

all about the Larsons.” Faye proceeded to introduce them. “This is Mr. and Mrs. Larson and their

daughter, Jennifer. They’re old family friends. Mrs. Larson used to carry you in her arms when you were

still a baby. They migrated overseas when you were just five, so it’s no wonder you don’t remember

having meeting them.”

Carter smiled and greeted them jovially, “Pleasure to meet you.”

He would usually present a mild-mannered front to outsiders. The smile on his face belied the thoughts

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that festered inside. Thus, no matter the catastrophe, no one had ever witnessed the full extent of his

fury. The matter with Amelia was the only incident that had shown a glimpse of the predator lurking within


His thoughts were therefore uncommonly profound. The woman that he chose to love, however, would

be immensely fortunate.

The Larsons clearly found Carter impressive. “So this is Carter? He’s even more handsome than what he

looked like in the photographs. Jennifer, you haven’t met Carter before, have you? You used to hang

around him when you were two.”

Jennifer was a demure girl, who looked gorgeous with her small face, rosebud mouth, and fair skin. She

was the epitome of classical beauty. Along with her immaculate sense of style, her appearance was

practically flawless.

“Hello, Carter,” Jessica said coyly.

Carter appraised her. From a purely visual perspective, she was indeed a great beauty. She was even

lovelier than Amelia, with her charming air of innocence which could stir men’s hearts to defend her.

Amelia, however, gave off an aggressiveness that conversely incited men to overcome and consequently

overwhelm her.

“No need to be shy around me,” Carter asserted.

Jennifer replied him with a sweet smile.

Carter took a seat beside Faye, casually asking, “Mom, where’s Granddad?”

“He’s working on his computer in the study and will only be joining us for dinner. You can go and look for

him first. He has something to tell you,” Faye said.

Carter nodded, then stood up. Addressing the Larsons, he said, “Mr. Larson, Mrs. Larson, I’ll be heading

up first. Please make yourselves comfortable.”

The Larsons were even more delighted at his courteous manner and cried, “All right. You go ahead.”

Carter ascended the stairs. He knocked on the door and went in upon hearing his grandfather’s invitation

to enter.

“Granddad,” Carter greeted.

Abel Scott was typing away furiously. He typed the last letter with a firm tap of his finger, then looked up.

“You’re home,” he intoned.

Abel was approaching ninety years of age but seemed to have drunk from the fountain of youth. Other

than a few stray strands of silver hair, his head was still mostly raven-black. And unlike other seniors, his

face wasn’t plagued by wrinkles, and his trim, tall figure still looked rather sturdy. In fact, he looked rather

regal in his robe.

“May I know what’s the reason you asked me to come home this time around?” Carter asked.

“Have you been seeing Amelia?” Abel inquired directly.

Carter calmly replied, “Yes, Granddad. She’s an employee at my company.”

“I supposed after all that had happened, you’d have the sense to not contact her again,” Abel remarked.

“Granddad, she’s the woman I love with all my heart. I can’t possibly cease all contact with her.

Granddad, you knew that she’d married Oscar and yet pretended that you didn’t. It was cruel of you to

hide that from me.”

Abel sneered, “That woman chose to marry Oscar for money, which shows just how unsuitable she is for

you. How could I allow such a gold-digger to marry into the Scott family? Since she’s now become the

Clintons’ daughter-in-law, stop getting involved with her. The Scotts have business dealings with the

Clintons, and we don’t want to offend Oscar. It’d be a shame to ruin our relationship with the Clintons

over a woman.”

Carter held himself upright and replied coolly, “Granddad, I had no means to resist you when I was

younger. But now that I have my own business, I have the right to choose who I want to love. I’ll pursue

Amelia to the ends of the earth. I missed my chance once, but I won’t make the same mistake twice.”

Abel directed his piercing gaze straight at Carter. “Carter, are you going to disregard your own


“Granddad, I have nothing but respect for you, and I’ve learned a lot from you. You taught me that we

shouldn’t let go of the things we love so easily. You also said that we might have to resort to any means

possible to snatch it back. I’ve always remembered that,” Carter declared passionately.

Abel replied, “I did say that, but I never intended for you to apply that to women.”

“Granddad, I think it’s equally applicable for both business and relationships,” Carter remarked.

Abel clapped a hand on Carter’s shoulder. “Carter, I hold the highest regard for you among all my

grandchildren. Your father has no interest in the company. I’d like you to come back and take over Scott


Carter protested, “Granddad, I have no interest in Scott Group. I’ve just gotten my own company in order.

Why don’t you get another one of your sons to take over?”

“Your uncle’s pretty good at it, but he’s an honest man. He doesn’t have the boldness necessary to take

the Scott Group to the next level. I’ve gotten old, and younger, more capable hands should replace mine

in managing the company. You’re a steady, meticulous, and enterprising young man with powerful

business acumen. If you’re willing to come back, Scott Group is yours.”

Carter helped his grandfather over to the sofa. “Granddad, if you’ll consent to me marrying whoever I

like, I’ll definitely come back to join the Scotts.”

“What on earth is so good about her? She flirted with Oscar, got married to the Clintons, and now she’s

driving you insane, so much so that you’re even willing to cut off all ties with the Scotts for her! Do you

really like her that much?”

“Granddad, she’s the only woman I love.”

“Enough,” Abel bellowed, his chest heaving with rage. “She’s already married to someone else. Forget

not being able to let go! Are you going to degrade yourself by becoming a third party? Are you really that

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desperate? You’re driving me insane as well!”

Carter patted his grandfather on the back to soothe him. “Granddad, I’m just friends with Amelia. She

has her own family now. I’ll keep this love unspoken in my heart.”

Abel shot Carter a glance. “If that’s the case, then get her out of your company. She’s Oscar’s wife, and

we can’t afford to offend the Clintons.”

Carter lowered his head and replied apologetically, “Granddad, I’ll heed every other word of yours, other

than that regarding Amelia.”

Abel let out a long sigh. At last, he said, “Carter, you’re no longer a child. Others your age have already

started families of their own. There’s nothing special about that girl apart from her looks. She’s not good

enough for you. I’ve already gotten your mom to identify a few eligible young ladies. The Larsons, whom

you met downstairs, are primarily based overseas. They’re well-known there for their assets. Jennifer is

a perfect match for you in terms of her family background, education, and looks.”

Carter nodded politely. “You’re right, Granddad. Ms. Larson’s a lovely woman and very well-mannered,

but she’s not my type. Please don’t do such things anymore. It’ll save both our families the


“Carter, I emphasize once again that you’re the grandchild I hold the highest regard for. I personally

taught you everything when you were young. I have four sons and a daughter, but your dad wants to

work on his art, and as I said, your uncle doesn’t have the boldness I’m looking for. Another of your

uncles wants to be a director, but there’s no future in that. As for my youngest son, he wants to teach.

Your aunt has a head for business, but I can’t count on her not marrying into another family. There’s no

way around it; you have to take over the Scott Group.”

Abel sighed, his face looking rather haggard and drawn. “Carter, I’ve already got one foot in the grave.

Promise me that you’ll come back and take over the family business. As for your wife, your mother will

find someone eligible. That woman is really unsuitable for you.”

Carter felt rather distressed upon hearing his grandfather’s words. The elder had practically brought him

up, sparing no effort or expense in nurturing him. Compared to his own parents, he felt the

disappointment of his grandfather a lot more keenly.

“Granddad, I really have nothing but respect for you. I can promise you anything else but this. Amelia’s

the only woman I’ve ever loved. I can’t let go of her just like this,” Carter explained earnestly. “Granddad,

you said that you loved me the most out of all your grandchildren; let me have my way just this once,


Abel’s eyes flashed. “Enough! Carter, you might be brilliant, but you’re setting yourself up for defeat if

you’re unable to control your affections. To succeed in anything, you can’t allow your emotions to get in

the way.”

“Granddad, my personal and professional life are separate entities that I’ll manage on my own,” Carter


“Carter, listen to me. That woman is not worthy of you. Forget about her and try to get along with the

Larsons’ daughter,” Abel insisted.