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The villainess shall be mine

Chapter 104 Black & Red
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:::[Third Person POV]:::


The tentacles attacked Blanca from every angle possible without giving her the time to rest, and if it wasn't for her exceptional reflexes, it would have been hard to avoid all of them despite her power.

"Psss! Psss!"

The tentacles didn't only move faster than she expected, but they also fired a very corrosive substance at her, making them more unpredictable.

"This is more difficult than I excepted," Blanca said, looking like she had underestimated the tentacles to some extent.

However, she could deal with the tentacles as effectively as Adam.

"At least, he is not all talk," she said, looking at Adam who rushed towards the main body while avoiding the tentacles.

Blanca's power protected her against the acids because a crimson red liquid appeared around her and took the shape of a giant wing, but unlike how it looked, this wing didn't slow her down and could protect her from any attack.


'I guess, I am going to take this more seriously too,' Blanca thought, and the wings on her split up and took the shape of different animals who looked like they were enveloped in burning red flames.

There were five crimson red lions around Blanca, as she sat on top of a crimson red horse, wearing red armor that covered her whole body and held a sword in her hand.

This was her final trump card that made use of the distinct traits that vampires had. To put it simply, vampires could control their unique blood using psychic powers, and with it, they were able to do what Blanca did.


Blanca, riding on the back of the red horse, began to rush at the zombies while cutting down the tentacles in her way.

Slash! Slash!

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The five tigers also moved with her and began to slaughter the zombies.

These animals that Blanca materialized using her own blood looked so real, and even though they were big, their movement was smooth.

It showed how good Blanca's control was, and since they were made from her blood, they could destroy almost anything.

Still, it used a lot of physical and mental strength to maintain control over all of that, so she felt her strength depleting at an extremely fast rate.

However, she also understood the importance of her task which was to eliminate all of the zombies, because if these zombies weren't eliminated, this areas couldn't be considered safe and they wouldn't be able to bring Zax around.

Besides, there was also the fact that these zombies had the seed of the tentacles monster in them, or so Adam said, making it possible for them to turn into a tentacle monster.

'This monster is really scary in many ways,' Blanca thought as she destroyed the zombies in her way. 'I understand that it's a kind of parasite, but if something like this spread around… Well, it's no use to think about that now.'


The zombies didn't feel frightened by the tigers and continued to rush forward, but the tigers tore them apart revealing something extremely disturbing inside of them.

'Are those cores?' Blanca gasped, and she began to understand why Adam was careful about those zombies. 'It seems like their heart turned into a core.'

This discovery made Blanca feel extremely horrified as she couldn't even imagine the pain when those parasites invaded a person's heart.


Blanca pushed her way through the zombies, and as expected, every zombie that stood in were instantly obliterated, and those who managed to avoid being run over by her horse got their chest torn open and their heart demolished by her sword, revealing dark substances from their interior which smelled extremely horrible.


The zombies' number decreased considerably but they didn't stop attacking Blanca, and she also had to deal with the tentacles that got in her way.

"Tsk, I am running out of time," Blanca said to herself after realizing that three of the tigers vanished, but she could also see that the zombies' number decreased, and the tentacles seemed to focus on Adam. "Okay, let's finish it. I hope he managed to deal with the main body by then.

After saying these words, Blanca jumped from her horse and opened her arms.

She was about to use her most powerful attack, but since she couldn't damage the ship, she needed to have complete control over it.

Red particles began to appear around her, and unlike the normal red crimson color, they had a neon-like glow and it seemed like they were filled with some kind of energy.

These particles began to circle Blanca and little by little, a tornado appeared, and she was at the center of it.

The zombies who rushed at Blanca were instantly decimated without leaving any trace.

After that, she landed abruptly on the ground.


Then, a tremendous shockwave spread from where she landed, turning the tornado into an extremely destructive force that wiped the remaining zombie in one good.


"Huff, huff…" Blanca panted and she looked exhausted after generating such a destructive force. Even though she wasn't in her optimal condition, her strength was phenomenal if compared to most people in this universe.

Still, there were beings like Rudeus who were lucky and possessed unique powers, and against them, Blanca could as well be helpless like most people in this universe.

"Did he do it?" Bianca said and looked up at Adam.


:::[Adam's POV]:::

"What is this?"

The huge pillar tentacles began to detach themselves from the ground and wrapped around the main body.

"This ugly bastard has intelligence?" I asked out loud, thinking about how having intelligence could make monsters of this level a lot more dangerous.

I used my new ability to create thin black disks which I used to cut down all the tentacles around me in a matter of minutes.

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p Like the range of my neutralization power, I could control them with my thoughts as long as they were within twenty meters of me.

Fifty or so of such black disks moved around me without stopping, and by wearing Cristal's helmet, I was able to make more accurate predictions and managed to control all of them with my thoughts.

'This is mentally challenging,' I thought, but I was trying to test my limits as I continued to rush towards the main body, so I sort of used this monster as some sort of test subject.

I was testing the limit of my ability to control the Darkmatter with my thought, and also, I was trying to figure out the energy consumption related to the usage of this new power.

Fortunately, I was able to absorb the primordial particles in the air, but even so, there was a limit to how much I could store inside of my body and how much it could withstand.

'I feel like the only thing that limits me now is my body,' I thought, but it seemed like creating a body that could withstand the power contained inside two universes was not something that could be done easily. 'Well, normal people don't even think about such a thing. It seems like I becoming more and more abnormal as time passes.'

However, with the Darkmatter, I resolved the problem with my inability to control the Antimatter. Even though it was more or less a downgraded version, the Darkmatter was effective, and if someone could deal with it, then I would have to take them seriously.


It seemed like the tentacles got agitated after seeing that they couldn't reach me, as I could use the black discs, not only to cut them down using the edges but also, to protect myself using the sides.

So, whenever they attacked me, it was their head that got obliterated.

'I see, so this ugly bastard instinctively wrapped its main body with these tentacles so that I can't reach the cores,' I thought, and I knew that it was probably some kind of survival instinct, but after seeing the thing in front of me, I realized that it would be a pain to deal with.

"It seems like I need to change my approach," I said and landed on top of the spaceship.

After all, I couldn't let the ship get destroyed, and to do that, it seemed like I needed to annihilate the tentacle monster completely.

"20 meters, huh… I guess that will be enough," I said. "This will probably wear me down though, but I need to see where I can go with this power when it comes to the pure destructive aspect."

After all, this power was really useful for doing tricks like the almost invisible wires, but when it comes to large-scale attacks…

"Well, let's see…"

I raised my hand and focused my full attention on a single point, then a black cube appeared and grew bigger and bigger.

"I like the black color, you know… So disgusting things should have a different color," I said, feeling a little bit disgusted by the monster as looked up.

Creating a twenty meters wide cube took more time than I expected which was not practical if I was fighting an enemy that was quicker than the tentacles.

I know that my body got an upgrade and my aptitudes increased, but it seemed like I could not still make large-scale attacks.
