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The Reincarnated Vampire Wants an Afternoon Nap

Chapter 210
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Chapter 210

Arge Chapter 210: Place to fight


My stomach hurts .

The crimping pain was so severe that breakfast seemed to come out .

...Ah, I wish Arge-san would be there at this time .

With her magic, this stomach ache can be quickly healed .

More specifically, I am motivated just because she is there .

Because she is such a beautiful girl .

However, it was I myself who decided to break up with her .

Even if I ask for someone who is not there, no salvation will come down .

「Fu~mu . Samaka . This tea is delicious」(Pleiades)

「Your majesty .

It’s a Republic special grade . The highest level of hospitality . 」(Samaka)


So, this is tea!

I know these leaves! Because I read it in a book!

Go~ku (gulp*) Nice!!」(Kutira)

「It seems like you liked it . 」(Zeno)

Don’t let it show in my face, I put a commercial smile on my face and bowed deeply .

The three people in front of me right now are

Samaka-sama, the lord of Arlesha .

Kutira, the queen of the monster submarine city .

And the ruler of Kingdom, King Pleiades .

To think I, Zeno Kotobuki, as an average merchant would have a meeting with the 3 of top VIPs .

「And then, the merchant over there .

What is the purpose of this meeting?」(Pleiades)

The king, who should have been enjoying the tea for a few seconds, turns his sharp eyes toward me .

... that’s quick!

As expected, the king of one country .

She went straight to the point .

Meanwhile, from a glance at the Ocean Demon Queen, she is still curious about the tea and while the lord of Arlesha explains it to her in a gentle manner .

How carefree .

「About that, I actually have called for 2 more people...」(Zeno)

「In other words, “please wait for more”, you know how to spend the time of a King . 」(Pleiades)

「Uu... I’m sorry」(Zeno)

「...Good .

I will allow it .

For the sake of none other than Arge . 」(Pleiades)

「Thank you very much」(Zeno)

Before Arge-san departs, the circumstances so far have been explained out .

That is why I was able to invite them here .

「Iyaa, I like this .

Our meeting place .

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Outsiders can’t come to this place though . 」(Akisame)

One of the people I was waiting for enters the room casually and takes a seat .

One of the chief executives of the Republic of Yotsuba Congress, Akisame Higure . He is accompanied by the demon servant .

「It has a good atmosphere .

I don’t hate the unique atmosphere of the Republic .

But I have some public affairs, so I can’t go there easily . 」(Samaka)

「I’m happy too!

The land is interesting!

I have to buy souvenirs for the people of my country!」(Kutira)

「Ahhh .

That’s good .

I’ll show you a good souvenir shop later, Ocean Demon Queen」(Akisame)

Unlike me, whose stomach is in pain due to pressure, the three people talk casually .

Ah, I envy the carefree people .

After all the greetings, Akisame gazes at me .

Of course, the other three’s eyes are also on me .

「Well then, average merchant young man (shōnin-kun) .

I want to hear why you set the stage so far .

You went so far as getting the permission of the Commercial Guild Chief . 」(Akisame)

「...Yes, that’s right」(Zeno)

This situation should never happen .

Merchants are not allowed to interfere with any country .

Even if you can do transactions between individuals, it’s illegal to be involved in politics

That’s the basic rule . I have asked over and over until the Chief agreed and arranged this .

「Before that, there’s still another actor (person)」(Zeno)

「Perhaps you talk about me, shōnin-kun」(Exista)

A dignified voice echoed in the hall .

It was a woman with red hair and a strong will in her eyes that appeared to catch the eyes of everyone .

「Thank you for coming, Lord of the Great Vault」(Zeno)

The administrator of Cyril Great Vault, Artificial spirit Exista .

Now all the actors are in place .

When I lower my head and am about to start, Exista-san shakes her head .

「No, no .

It’s been a while since I was out .

It feels good .

I also wanted this child to experience travel .

Hey now, can you come out」(Exista)

「Ah, um...」(Cyril Note / Shirley)

Everyone gasped at the person who came out .



「Ms . goodwill ambassador (Shinzen Taishi-dono)!?」(Pleiades)

Their names are different, but their feelings are pretty much the same .

A girl who resembles our silver-haired vampire, even her yawn .

And I knew who she is .

「Cyril Arcadia ...?」(Zeno)

A woman named Cyril, who founded the big safe .

I know that Arge-san was born from her magical power .

Exista-san shook her head, denying all the names which everyone called out .

「No, this kid is neither Arge nor Cyril .

She is I and Arge’s Kawaii Imouto (cute little sister) .

Come on, greet everyone will you?」(Exista)

「...I’m Shirley, best regards...」(Cyril Note / Shirley)

「Shirley, your personality has changed a lot...

Before coming, you were so happy thinking you might be able to meet Arge-onee-chan . 」(Exista)

「But... onee-chan, there are only people I don’t know here...

Uu, I want to see Arge-onee-chan...」(Cyril Note / Shirley)

Somehow, she has a cat-like attitude .

Certainly, she is was very different from Arge-san .

However, her face is exactly the same .

When I was told that she is Arge-san’s Imouto (little sister), I was very convinced .

「I was surprised that she had an Imouto (little sister)」(Samaka)

「I, Arge, and she were all born from Cyril’s magic .

That’s why we’re sisters」(Exista)

Exista-san briefly explained to the Lord who was surprised .

Of course, that was the first time I heard that, so I was quite surprised as well .

My commercial smile has collapsed a little .

「U, uhm... sorry .

Arge-san is not here」(Zeno)


「No, uhm... can meet!

I think we can meet her!

We are going to do that!

I also keep in touch by letters with her!

That’s why please don’t cry!?」(Zeno)

It’s really hard seeing an acquaintance’s face got sad .

I managed to calm her down and then I looked around at everyone again .

「By the way, I think that there are many people first time meeting, so...

Let’s start by introducing ourselves .

I am Zeno Kotobuki .

I’m a peddler you can find anywhere...

Thank you for coming here today . 」(Zeno)

「Akisame Higure . This girl is my servant, Habotan .

One of the four families in charge of the Republic’s political affairs, the Yotsuba Parliament」(Akisame)

「I’m the King of the Kingdom . And that’s it . 」(Pleiades)

「The King’s retainer and also the lord of Arlesha, Samaka Suwal . 」(Samaka)

「Your truly (Warawa) is the queen of Ocean Demon City, Kutira」(Kutira)

「Exista .

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The master of Cyril Great Vault」(Exista)

「...Shirley . Exista-onee-chan and Arge-onee-chan’s imouto...」(Shirley)

What a group of people .

The top brass of countries, manager of the world’s economy .

Yes, for the sake of one person .

Argento Vampyr .

Using her name and sending out invitations .

These VIPs are coming all the way to this place .

These people have their own political position, normally they wouldn’t come here .

It’s all thanks to Arge-san that I was able to have this meeting .

She always said she wasn’t worth it, but I don’t think so .

At least this many great people are here because of her .


I exhale and think about what I should say .

...I’m clumsy, but I don’t want to end there .

The place the Arge-san’s group is traveling to is definitely where the battle will take place .

I am a peddler . I’m not as good at fighting like Felnote-san .

The members of that trip are one-man-army,

No, it’s not an exaggeration to say they are as powerful as one country .

Only I am different .

I’m a merchant forever and can only do self-defense .

But that’s not enough anymore . Things have become so big .

That’s why I didn’t travel with them .

I thought that what we needed from this point onward was pure combat strength, not travel knowledge .

「...Then, let’s go to the main subject . 」(Zeno)

So, here it is .

This meeting place is the battlefield for me .

I might be able to do so with the ability to talk with my mouth .

I have lived as a peddler until now .

Here I stand .

Even if I can’t fight I will do what I can do to help Arge-san .

I take a light breath and remembering Arge-san’s face .

Somehow, it calms me down .

These VIPs also gathered after hearing Arge-san’s name .

She connected us all .

So surely, they will hear me out if they know it’s for her .

However, just having them listen is not enough .

After hearing, they will think about the advantages and disadvantages for themselves .

They are the top brass, who move the country, they have their beliefs and positions to consider .

At least, that’s not the case for the Lord of Cyril Great Vault .

...This is the biggest job ever .

That’s why what I need to do is predetermined .

Just like a merchant, I must have their curiosity and then their attention

「Would you like to buy the future?」(Zeno)

That’s how I said my first words .

Let’s start the business talk .