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The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 68 The Woman Dressed In White [The Empress’ Wedding - Part I]
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-- POV Freya --

The day had finally dawned on the Elysium Empire, Gaya, Shiro and I had not slept in the mansion because it was there that the reception would be held after the wedding ceremony. Exceptionally as last night, everyone was invited to the buffet that would be held symbolically in the large grassy area in front of our mansion after starting on the large square. A few days ago, the commanders had almost begged me to let them all organize the event as a sign of thanks. I finally agreed because deep down I wanted to be surprised too. So Gaya and I had received very specific instructions the day before, we were not to go to the main street before noon. The sun had just risen, so I had a few hours before I had to get ready. The wedding was to start at noon in the main square, and then there would be a huge banquet even more lavish than yesterday. I didn't know much about it, but one thing was for sure, I was looking forward to finally marrying the woman of my life.

We both slept in separate houses that were still uninhabited so we wouldn't see each other until noon on the big day. This day was going to be beautiful, unique, exceptional and one of the most beautiful of my life so I didn't care to sleep alone in a house or on the floor. Shiro had slept with Gaya because as a bridesmaid she was going to get dressed with the bride. So now I was alone in this house, with a few hours to go before I had to go to the manufacturers' building for my suit.

I had also received a lot of system notifications since the end of construction and yesterday's event, but I planned to check on all of that in a few days. For now, I just wanted to walk around the city without going through the main street, while Shiro and Gaya were already getting ready.

As I walked out of the house, I could see Inferno waiting patiently for me at the door. He had followed me here last night before lying down in front of the house just before falling asleep.

"Hello my friend, I have some time to spare, will you keep me company ?"

As I petted him, the black stallion hen shook his head up and down making me chuckle slightly at the sudden enthusiasm.

"Yoshi yoshi~"

Climbing on his back, I decided to ride around the city on the northeast side to enjoy the mild sunny morning. I hadn't been to the beach yet, much too busy lately so I wanted to go there and see it for myself. As I was going, Kira asked me a question that had crossed my mind before.

[Onee-san, are you planning to build boats to explore the area ?]

*For now, no, we have to concentrate on the forest. There are still families and clans there, we need to find them and bring them here. After the wedding, I will send the ten commanders and some soldiers to patrol the whole area. I don't have time to worry about building a fleet*

The priority was obviously the half-humans and other races that still remained in the forest and were hiding from the humans. I had made the Dark Forest my Empire, and as I had sworn, I would protect all who lived there if they would join me.

Focusing again on my path, I could already feel the sea air intensifying.

"We're almost there..."

The Empire had been built on an ancient plain that ended in a small cliff, where my mansion proudly stood. So there wasn't much access to the beach, two to be exact, which followed the river to the left and right of the wall. So I walked along this dirt road that was gradually turning into sand before finally arriving on this beach. The noise of the waves was powerful and the sand was not white but black like coal. It was a beautiful sight that knew how to soothe me while my heart was racing at the idea of seeing my wife in a white dress.

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[Are you nervous ?]

*Of course ! I've never been married in my two lives. You know, I've never known the love of a woman, or even the love of a family before this day, so yes I'm a little nervous...but happy*

As I chatted with my little sister while riding along the beach on my horse, time passed and my heart beat in my chest faster and faster. In just a few hours, Gaya would officially be my wife.


The sun was now high in the sky as I walked out of Taegen's workshop, I was finally dressed to get married and the ceremony was about to begin. I was wearing my crown that stopped just before my two horns and this time I was dressed entirely in white and gold. On my shoulders was still my white and black imperial cloak which this time did not have my hair falling over it because it was tied in a ponytail. My suit was pure white with a golden crown on the collar that had also been carefully embroidered on the back of my two gloves.

"Your Highness...it's time."

Luna had come to pick me up to perform the ceremony in the town square. The young half-panther woman was also wearing a simpler, white suit that was a change from her clothes, which like mine were always black.

[Ready ?]

*More than ever*

As I followed Luna with Inferno at my side, I finally entered the square where the largest tree in Elysium stood. In this large square, there were hundreds of half-humans who had made the effort to find white clothes for the occasion. All of them had a smile full of happiness, love and gratitude.

"Hello your highness !"

As I looked around, I could see the square that had been decorated with thousands of flowers from the forest that covered it almost entirely. Simple white banners were also present everywhere underlining the festive atmosphere. In front of the fountain was a white arch on a podium where Viana was waiting for us to get married. To get to this arch decorated with intertwined crimson and purple flowers, we had to walk on a big carpet of golden threads carefully woven and beautiful.


I didn't know what to think or what to say as this vision warmed my heart. As I walked forward to reach the podium, all my subordinates leaned forward to greet me with a smile. For the first time, not one of them had looked away in fear or intimidation. There was a special atmosphere in the square, time seemed to stand still, happiness was in everyone's heart and birds were singing in the sky. The day before my coronation, the moon and the stars had been our witnesses and today it was the sun's turn to shine on this timeless Empire.

As I walked up the steps to the podium to stand under the arch, I could see all the citizens standing on the sides of the large, wide carpet.

There was absolutely everyone, the female commanders were wearing the same white suit as Luna although some had chosen dresses instead. All of my citizens were facing me again as they had the day before and on each white garment at chest level hung a purple rose and a crimson rose.

The place was silent while in the distance, the sound of a horse's footsteps could be heard. Inferno was at the bottom of the arc on the side so it wasn't him, so I couldn't help but look at the entrance to the big square with curiosity. Suddenly, the silhouette of a mare appeared with a beautiful woman and a little girl on her back.


In front of me, Gaya was riding Pearl with our little girl in front. There was not a sound as they rode softly forward with radiant faces. Their heads held high and proudly wore their flowered crowns as the sun's rays fell like a heavenly light on these three glowing beings.

*My Queen and my Princess...*

They were beautiful, divine and at that moment I didn't even know if my heart was beating anymore. While I was at a loss for words, Gaya and Shiro dismounted from the mare and stood in front of the golden carpet hand in hand. As they walked slowly forward, the people around them began to tap their feet in unison. I didn't know if it was a custom of this world, but the rhythm that echoed throughout the Empire made my heart race. As the dragoness reached the foot of the stairs and let go of Shiro's hand, who stood next to Viana, I could finally see her face more easily, hidden behind her veil. Her dress was beautiful, embroidered with golden threads like my costume. It was easy to understand that this white dress had been made with great precision and skill. In all my life I had never seen such work and It fit the shape of the dragon perfectly before finishing with a large traine. For the first time, Gaya had her hair tied up in a bun where there were flowers that made her a second flower crown.


As my wife stood beside me, I couldn't even speak. This had never happened to me before, but seeing this absolutely stunning woman in front of me left me speechless. Understanding how I felt, the dragoness took my hand gently before smiling at me with eyes full of love and determination.

"Let's go."

"Yes !"

And it was together that we walked hand in hand in front of Viana who was waiting. The noises had stopped and we could hear the wind making the leaves of the majestic tree sing, protecting us with all its greatness.

"Today we are all gathered to celebrate the union of the soul and heart of two beings who have met. Your hearts beat in unison and your lives are already linked by the thread of life. May your love be your strength and may your unique bonds bring you happiness."

As the fox woman spoke these words, she placed an empty glass on the table in front of us. At that moment Gaya grabbed it to clutch it in her hand while closing her eyes. I didn't really understand what was going on while Kira who had remained silent out of respect quickly whispered an explanation.

[Gaya pours her mana into the glass, I guess it's a way to get married in this world]

I could indeed feel a reserve of mana forming in the glass as the dragoness opened her eyes again and handed it to me. I took the glass and poured a small amount of mana into it while concentrating on not breaking it. I could feel Gaya's essence mixing with mine, swirling as I handed the glass back to Viana. She took it in her hands before raising it to the sky as she continued her speech.

"May Elysium witness this day that will remain engraved in the memory of us all. Long live the Empress and her wife."


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Everyone's voice rose to the heavens as Viana returned the glass to Gaya who placed her soft lips on it to drink half of its contents. Once done, it was my turn again to finish the ceremony as I began to drink. I felt like warm liquid flowing in my throat while in the glass nothing was liquid. The feeling was unique and warmed my whole body in a special way as both our chests began to glow. As our manas blended in our body, mind and soul, the dragoness looked at me with a smile and eyes filled with immeasurable happiness.


While our chests were still glowing, our little girl was in front of us holding a small pillow with two rings on it. The little moon had a dress as white as her hair with a purple sash reminiscent of our eye color. She was smiling blushing as her tail and ears wagged with joy.

"Thank you sweatie."

As I took the two rings, Shiro quickly left to return to stand shyly next to Viana. My wife and I smiled lovingly at her as I took the dragoness' hand and placed her wedding ring on the ring finger of her left hand. It was made of red and purple stones just like mine and was simple but beautiful. I then watched as Gaya took my left hand to replicate my previous gesture as she trembled slightly. Her hands were warm and I could feel her warmth despite my gloves and hers reaching up to her elbows. As Gaya looked up, I could see her eyes shining like two amber stars full of life. They warmed my heart and for the first time my citizens saw me smile.


​ Gaya whispered these words as I pulled her closer to me to lift her veil and kiss her with all the love I had for her. I could see no one, only this woman in front of me dressed in white, beautiful, gorgeous....this woman who was mine and whom I sincerely loved. Our chests had stopped glowing while we continued to kiss, alone in our little world. This kiss was different from all the others we had had until now. There was something extra, like it was filled with all of our love, all of our soul...like we were one.

"I love you."

Breaking away from her embrace I leaned in to whisper those words in her ear. I wanted her to be the only one to hear them because at that moment they were meant only for my wife. As Gaya blushed and lifted her head, tears streamed down her sweet face with a unique glow.

"I love you madly too !"

As she answered, the dragoness threw herself into my arms sobbing as the entire crowd began to cheer us on.

"Hurrah !"

"Long live the Empress and her wife Gaya-sama !"

"Congratulations !!"

The white wolves howled, their heads skyward, the soldiers pounded their chests, the commanders cheered, and the many citizens jumped for joy, laughed, danced and sang. In the sky, the winged creatures swirled and celebrated our wedding by dancing in the skies and under the sun. Gaya and I watched this spectacle smiling, still embracing, happier than ever and next to Shiro who had joined us.

In the Elysium Empire, its many lights were twinkling with vigor celebrating the very first wedding that was taking place in its midst. The day was not over yet but everything made me so happy and proud of everything we had accomplished so far.

[Congratulations onee-san...]

Kira finally spoke and as I answered her, I closed my eyes to enjoy this unique moment that I will never forget.

*Thank you little sister*