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Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 744 Bourne, Bennett, Larson
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Evan ignored the notifications in his field of view and exhaled a breath of magic power, before returning to his Human mode and running his hand through his hair.

'What the fuck what that all about?!

Now of all times? When my relationship with Liz has just progressed greatly?!

Is this some sort of joke by fate or something?!'

The boy's emotions were a turbulent mess; his brain processed multiple possibilities every second as it tried to compute why 'that person' had appeared here.


Eliza's voice snapped him out of his thoughts but he didn't turn to look at her. He did not know what expression he had on his face right now and did not want her to see it.

However, the girl spoke once more, asking the one question Evan didn't want her to.

"…who was that?"

It was clear that Evan recognized the person that had appeared. Someone from within his memories.

They were apparently the 'Strongest Mortal' he knew.

But therein lay the problem. That person wasn't supposed to have any sort of power whatsoever.

Evan still could not understand what was going on.

As such, to Eliza's question—


—Evan had no answer to give.

◇ ◇ ◇

Ronald's Fried Chicken

Dust City

Earth V

November 30th

AD 3103

"So, Mr Vincent, you're saying that you saw marks of the law of ton my soul, right?

Meaning that someone with powers over twent back in tand saved my soul the nanosecond before I was supposed to die."

A fifteen-year-old boy with short, deep black hair, grey eyes, and a handsface set in a 'cool' expression spoke as he tried his best to ignore the gazes the group of girls two tables over were sending him.


Replying to him, was a man with sleek black hair and piercing grey eyes. His handsfeatures were softened by a friendly and approachable demeanour, drawing in the gazes of all the single ladies nearby.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

If it wasn't for the ring they could clearly see on his left hand, more than a few of them would have cup to speak with him by now.

"This person then proceeded to send my soul through the river of time, fifteen years into the past—on another Planet.

My soul was put into the body of a stillborn child, allowingto begin a new life in this world."

"You also awakened your memories of your previous life at the time your skills awakened, at the age of 12.

Everything up to the point of your death."

The man the boy called 'Mr Vincent', completed his statement as he turned to order an extra drink from the waitress who was clearly enamoured by the sight of him.

"Still, I went on my life as normal, being the only person that I knew could perceive magic power.

I was honestly baffled how the people of this world couldn't sense the energy that's omnipresent around them."

The boy put down his fork and raised a tissue to clean his mouth before looking at the man in front of him as he continued.

"And then I met you, Mr Vincent.

The magic power you exuded made the Sovereign Level existences I saw in the past look like ants. I bet even the Transcendents would not match up to you."

In response, Vincent just laughed lightly, deciding not to tell the boy that Transcendents were also not worth putting in his eyes.

"Have you finally found who did this? Saved me, I mean."

Vincent nodded in affirmation, before pointing at a billboard right outside the street. The boy turned towards it and read the content out loud.

"Eternal Beauty Cream?"

"Take only the first word out."

The boy nodded with understanding, not too surprised as this wasn't the first tVincent had used cryptic means to tell him something.

Next, Vincent pointed at the clock on the wall.

"What does it tell?"


Vincent nodded before pulling up a video on his smartphone and showing it to the boy.

"What are they doing?"

"They're demolishing the building?"


The boy went silent for a moment, looking at the video of construction workers on the phone before he began calling out words.

"Knock down? Pull down? Dismantle? Unbuild? Bring down? Destroy?"

"Stop right there. What's the process of doing that?"

"Process of destroying? Destruction?"

Vincent put down his phone and clapped for him and the boy quickly put together these seemingly random words in his head.

'Eternal, Time, Destruction.'

"You add an 'OF' and an 'AND' in between and that's about it."

With Vincent'snextstatement, the boythencompleted the title of the man responsible for saving his soul.

Eternal of Tand Destruction.

He nodded in understanding before ordering a serving of fries, his gaze momentarily going towards the group of college students who just walked into the restaurant.

"But why did this person do this? What benefit did they gain from saving my soul?"

Upon asking Vincent this, the man chuckled a bit before replying.

"His entertainment, maybe? That guy is very unpredictable. It's hard to guess the reason behind his actions most times."

As Vincentwas speaking, the group of College students who just entered walked right by their table while chatting amongst themselves.

Suddenly, one of them stopped and turned in their direction, her brow raising in surprise as she saw the man.

"Uncle Vincent?"

"Hmm? Oh, hey there."

Vincent casually replied to her, and she separated from her group, walking towards their table. On the way, she inadvertently glanced at the boy sitting opposite Vincentandher eyes widened in shock.


A mere momentaftershe half screamed that name, her expression contorted into a frown as she continued.

"No…you look like himbutyou're NOT Evan."

The boy on the table calmly gazed up at her before replying to her sudden statement.

"Well, I AM 'Evan'. But I'm guessing I'm not the 'Evan' you know."

He then returned his gaze towards Vincent and posed a question.

"Also, Mr Vincent. Didn't you say thatall Records of 'His' existence had been hiddensoeveryone on this plshould have forgotten him?"

His question drew the girl's attentionandshe slammed her hands on the table and leaned forward before barraging Vincent with questions.

"Uncle Vincent, you remember Evan?!

Why did everyone forget?! Where is he!? What's all this about Hidden Records?! I spoke to Aunt Kristi-"

"Hold on there, young lady. Your friends are worried."


It was then thatthe girl finally remembered that she hadindeedchere with a group.She turned towards them and rushedupto where they were before explaining things.

"Um…he's a family friend. He and my dad go way back.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

I haven't seen him since I returnedsoIjustwant to catch up. I'll see you guys later."

"Are you sure everything's okay? You sure didn't look like you werejust'catching up'."

The girl spent a few minutesplacatingher friends before finally returning to the table where Vincent and the other boy who called himself 'Evan' were seated.

Shetook a seatwith them justandthe boy took a momentto properly take in how she looked.

The girl had a striking beauty that was turning heads and causing swomen nearby to glare at their partners.

Her hair was a lustrousshade of blue-black, cascading in glossy waves that framed her face and fell gracefully down her lower back.

The boy's eyes were drawn to the text on her T-shirt, inadvertently taking note of her large bust but he quickly removed his gaze so as not to be rude.

He then turned back to Vincentwhowas enjoying his shawarma like it was the mostimportantthing in the world right nowandrepeated his earlier question.

"Again, I ask. Mr Vincent, didn't you say that the goddess Artemisia hid the Records of 'His' existence on this pland made everyoneon itforget him?"

"Indeed. Everyone 'ON' the plforgothim."

Vincent then turned towards the girl, meeting her deep eyes that matched the hue of her hair as he continued.

"But what if someone who knewhim,wasn't on the planetat the timeshe did that?"

"What's all this talk about Evan's recordsbeing hidden?"

The girl could not contain her curiosity anymore and fired her question,taking care to keepher voice as calm as possible.

She then turned towards the teenage boy nearby before asking another question.

"And who the hell are you? Why do you look similar to Evan?"

"Because I am 'Evan'.

But like I stated earlier; I'm probably NOT the 'Evan' you know. Besides, don't exaggerate it, our similarities are only around 40-50% at best."

Just as the boy replied, Vincent put down his snack and drew their attention with a light clap.

"I think this is the part where I'm supposed to introduce the both of you."

Vincent turned to the girl while gesturing towards the boy as hebegan speaking.

"He is NOT 'Evankhell'. His nisEvansenBennett, formerly 'Evansen Del Eris' from the plAidos."

After saying that, he turned towards Evansen while gesturing at the girl—the sone Evan had just seen in the Cavern of Trials as he spoke.

"She's the daughter of an old acquaintance of mine. Her nis Gabrielle Larson.

My son's— Evankhell's—Ex-girlfriend."


Reincarnated Hero System

Vol3: Wars and Giant Lizards; FINALLY completed.

[Check Author Note] IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!