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Reborn as a Demonic Tree-Novel

Chapter 310: Frozen Star Sect
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Stella pulled the hood of her black cloak tighter over her face as she scanned the many lines before the Lotus Informants, who all stood behind a counter encircling a jade pillar that dominated the center of the Iron Seeker pavilion.

The Eternal Pursuit Pavilion always gave her the feeling that she was being watched, but now it was especially bad. There were fewer people here than usual, but she still picked the line for a Lotus Informant with the most people. There was no way she would make that mistake again.

Stella didn't feel bad about it, but she was somewhat nervous about how the pavilion viewed things. Did they care if the number of bounty hunters decreased, and would they blher and the Ashfallen Sect for it?

"Nervous?" Diana asked as she put a hand on her shoulder.

Stella hadn't even realized she had been tapping her foot and drumming her fingers on her leg as she waited in line. The Lotus Informant she had picked to line up for seemed professional and efficient, so the queue was moving at a good pace, but it still gave tfor turbulent thoughts to brew in her mind.

"Yeah, a little," Stella whispered back, "I am also worried about Ash."

"He will be fine," Diana squeezed her shoulder lightly, and Stella was surprised to feel sof her nerves dissipate knowing Diana was at her side.

"Next, please."

Stella hadn't been focusing on the line as she was lost in thought. Stepping up to the counter alongside Diana, she felt an array wash over them.

"Noise-canceling array is active," the man said, giving a slight bow like a butler and flashing a charming smile as his icy blue hair fell over his face. "My nis Louis. How can the pavilion serve you today?"

"First there?" Louis recovered from his bow and began bringing out parchments that listed the pavilion's services. "I understand this place can be rather overwhelming, but don't worry. I am here to assist you with every need—for a price, of course! I can sell you information about anything documented since the founding of the pavilion, or perhaps having a rival killed is on your agenda for today? We are the number one place to hire bounty hunters—"

Stella wasn't sure how to interrupt Louis's sales pitch without seeming rude, so in a flash of silver, she deposited a bloodstained brown sack on the counter between them.

"Oh, straight to business, I see. It looks like I was mistaken," Louis seemed embarrassed as he stored away the parchments. Reaching into his pockets, he brought out a fresh pair of white gloves and carefully picked up the sack, noting its weight. "May I ask which poor cultivator's head is in here?"

"Albis Lunarshade," Stella said as nonchalantly as she could.

Louis's demeanor changed as he froze in place for a second and then frowned. "I see," he set the head down between them, "and may I ask for your pendant and name?"

Stella gulped and felt her palms getting sweaty as the tension rose. What was with his sudden change in attitude?

"Sure, here," Stella said, carefully placing her black and gold pendant on the counter. "My nis Stella Crestfallen of the Iron Seekers."

Louis sighed, "Just my luck. Please wait here a moment."

Stella raised a brow behind her mask in confusion as Louis turned his back and spoke into a communication jade. Due to the noise-canceling formation, she couldn't hear what he was saying, and with his back turned, lip reading was also out of the question.

"We might have a problem," Diana mused at her side.

"Yeah, his reaction once he heard about the bounty was odd. Maybe he's also paid off by the Lunarshade family?" Stella whispered. She had given her nand pendant at the entrance to a guard while still in the range of Ashlock's portals in case they had a negative reaction so she could escape, but they hadn't shown one or barred her entry.

"That is concerning, but I wasn't referring to his reaction—look up there."

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Stella followed Diana's finger, pointing at the jade pillar covered in golden letters detailing the many bounties and missions open to the Iron Seekers.

She glanced over two that caught her attention. One was still active near the top of the pillar, while the latter was at the pillar's base and seemed to be fading alongside other failed missions.

[Death of Albis Lunarshade]

Target's estimated threat level: Star Core 2

Affiliation with the Lunarshade Family: Nascent Soul 6

Bounty: 10,000 Yinxi Coins

The bounty is placed by Corvin Bightbane. For more information, consult a Lotus Informant.

[Mission: Protect the Lunarshade Grand Elder from the Ashfallen Sect until sunrise (FAILED)]

Mission's estimated threat level: Nascent Soul [Unverified]

Bounty: 5,000 Yinxi Coins per participant with a meaningful contribution upon completing the mission.

The mission is commissioned by the Golden Dragon Alchemy Guild and will take place in Nightshade City. For more information, consult a Lotus Informant.

"No, look at the very top," Diana gestured to the near the ceiling.

"Huh?" It would be hard to make out such small words so far up if not for Stella's superior eyesight as a cultivator. Narrowing her eyes, she realized that the very top had a list of organizations recognized by the Eternal Pursuit Pavilion, and right at the top were two that glowed exceptionally bright.

[Celestial Empire (Divine)]

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[Ashfallen Sect (Divine)]

[Frozen Star Sect (Monarch Realm)]

[Blood Lotus Sect (Nascent Soul Realm)]

[Tainted Cloud Sect (Nascent Soul Realm)]

[Shadowfang Sect (Nascent Soul Realm)]

[Emerald Serpent Sect (Star Core Realm)]

[Ironwood Sect (Star Core Realm)]

[Stormclaw Sect (Star Core Realm)]


Stella's eyes went up the list, and she was surprised there were dozens of sects she had never heard of listed in the Star Core Realm. Ssects were even listed as being in the Soul Fire Realm, and she wondered how they survived in this harsh world.

Her eyes then widened as she saw what was placed above a Monarch Realm sect.

[Ashfallen Sect (Divine)]

"That's a mistake, right?!" Stella tugged on Diana's arm as she used Qi to hide her voice from the Lotus Informant, who was still busy talking to someone else. "Ash is barely in the Nascent Soul Realm, let alone Monarch Realm. Why the hell are we listed above the Frozen Star Sect as a Divine?"

"I have sideas," Diana sighed, "If one were to watch our fight with the Lunarshade, I can see how they could draw such a conclusion. Larry, being a divine monster certainly doesn't help, and Ashlock had a certain way of coming off as a godly being rather than your typical cultivator."

"Ahem, sorry to keep you two waiting."

Stella felt her blood run cold as Louis coughed to draw their attention.

He looked at both of them carefully before settling on Stella's mask. "Here at the Eternal Pursuit Pavilion, we like to remain independent of sect politics, but as this is a land ruled by the strong, sometimes exceptions have to be made to ensure the pavilion's survival."

"By order of the Celestial Warden, Stella Crestfallen, you have been designated an esteemed guest with close ties to a sect or person with power more significant than the pavilion." Louis tapped the pendant with the tip of his finger, "Although we won't promote you to the Jade Sentinel rank off background alone, this pendant allows you to visit any area within the pavilion and utilize all the services we have to offer. Just put sblood on it, and it will be yours."

Louis gave a deep bow, "On behalf of the pavilion, we appreciate someone of your status choosing to work with us. Now, I have been informed spill evaluations need your attention, but first, should I process this bounty for you?"

"Yes, please," Stella said in a more professional tone than usual, wanting nothing more than to leave as soon as possible. Never before had she felt like such a fraud, and she was starting to hallucinate cracks appearing in her mask and facade.

Louis removed the head from the brown sack and thoroughly inspected it. He opened Albis's eyelids to check his eyeballs before carefully removing one with a knife and placing it in a small jade bowl lit up with silver light as the runic formation activated.

"This head doesn't appear to have been created out of illusion Qi or manufactured from organic matter. There are traces of Lunar Qi, and the overall appearance matches those we have in our records," Louis set Albis's head down on a cloth behind him, "But realistically, none of these checks matter since the pavilion witnessed Albis dying alongside the rest of the Lunarshade family. Therefore, I have authorized the addition of 10,000 Yinxi Coins to your account, and the bounty is marked as complete on your record."

"Thank you."

"Now, onto the pill evaluation," Louis brought out a parchment and held it out to Stella.

She took the offered document and read it's contents.

"Fifty to a hundred Yinxi Coins per pill?! I thought the appraiser said it would be ten per pill?" Stella looked up from the parchment in bafflement. Such a sharp increase in evaluation was unexpected.

"I am unaware of the original appraisal, but apparently, due to current market conditions and the quality of those pills, they should go for that price at auction," Louis said dismissively.

Stella bit her lip as she thought about how ridiculous this was. Assuming the upper-end evaluation, each pill bottle would be worth a thousand Yinxi Coins. If she sold a dozen bottles, it would be equal to hunting down and killing the scion of a Nascent Soul Realm family from the war era.

"Though I suppose I should offer my congratulations," Louis said with a beaming smile. "It's not often that such talented alchemists with access to such materials appear out of nowhere. The Ashfallen Sect and Trading Company really is deserving of its Divine evaluation."

"Yeah..." Stella wanted to leave already. This was too much nonsense. She had lied a lot in the past, such as to the Redclaws, but this was on another level with much more severe consequences.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Stella grabbed an ink-dipped quill off Louis's desk and crossed out the Celestial Empire, the Frozen Star Sect, and the Golden Dragon Alchemy Guild.

"Do not sell pills to these people," Stella said, depositing the quill back into its inkwell. "Anyone else is fine."

"May I ask why? These groups would have the most purchasing power, so if you have a lot of pills to sell, crossing them out seems counterproductive—"

"Because I said so, don't ask questions." Stella snapped. There was no way she could reveal that the real reason was because these groups were all more powerful than the Ashfallen Sect, or she simply didn't like them, so selling pills to these regional powers would be a terrible idea.

"Understood," Louis bowed and took the parchment, "I will inform the Alchemy and Trade halls of these requirements. Do you want to sell any pills with us today?"

"Excellent. I will see that these are sold in auctions to the sects you have specified, and then I will deposit the funds into your account automatically." Louis waved his hand, and the pill bottles vanished into the table. "Is there anything else I can help you with today?"

"Of course, that will be 800 Yinxi Coins."

Stella nodded, and Louis went to retrieve a leatherbound book. Glancing down at her gem-encrusted pendant, she noted the number floating on its surface in golden letters, which showed her current balance decreasing to 9200.

Louis flicked through the pages, "Ah, here we go, Crestfallen. There are only two registered names here, Stella Crestfallen and Janus Crestfallen. Which, might I add, is rather strange for a bloodline."

Louis looked up and gave her a strange look, "We have kept records for thousands of years. How can a family bloodline only include two people? A man and a girl as well. There's no list of a mother in here or any ancestors."

"Is there any other information about Janus Crestfallen?"

"Not much," Louis said, "He is noted to be in the Nascent Soul Realm and was last seen in the Frozen Star Sect. Besides that, nothing is known about him or his origins."

"Sorry, what?"

"Mhm?" Louis looked up from the book.

"Nascent Soul Realm?" Stella didn't believe it. Five years ago, he had been in the Soul Fire Realm and had even supposedly 'died' while trying to reach the Star Core Realm. How could he have reached such a realm so quickly?

Louis shrugged, "That's what it says here."

"I remember that guy. He was an interesting man with many secrets," a deep voice said, tickling Stella's ear.

Stella whirled around to see a tall man shrouded in a black cloak and jade mask, just like any other bounty hunter.

"Who are you?" Stella asked, and Diana stepped to put herself between them.

A hand emerged from the folds of the man's cloak clutching an impressive gem-encrusted pendant around twice the size of Stella's but looked normal in his hand. "My nis Tiberius."

Stella searched her memories but couldn't remember anyone with such a name. "Sorry, I don't know anyone called Tiberius. Are you also an esteemed guest?"

Tiberius chuckled as he hid the pendant away, "I guess so? It's understandable that you wouldn't knowby name. Few do. Perhaps my title of Celestial Warden of this pavilion would have been a better introduction?"

Stella froze. "You're the Celestial Warden?"

"I am indeed," Tiberius said, and Louis nodded in agreement. "I know you are a busy woman, but could you sparea few minutes for a quick chat? I have squestions, and perhaps I can offer sanswers in return."

Stella gulped. Did she even have a choice?