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Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 617 Final preparations
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Chapter 617 Final preparations

Roronoa Star System, Planet Darvis…

Sitting on the balcony of a massive building, 2 friends observed this thriving planet filled with life and boundless energy as the youths of the new generation gave their all to training to exceed the achievements of those before them.

"Where you always like this or you developed this power as you grew?"

Legolas inclined his head to look at his friend. "Huh?"

"You know what I'm talking about, the prophecy powers and stuff".

Legolas chuckled. "First, should I call you Admiral Onana or…?"

Admiral Onana glared at him. "As if my opinion will matter on what you call me".

Legolas laughed. "You're right, you'll always be Onana to me, haha".

"So…,' This Admiral looked at his friend seriously. "The truth".

For the past week, Onana was one of the busiest people during the preparations for the war. After being appointed as the newest Admiral of Nak State, a lot of procedures started to get him up to speed.

A lot of information about his state was withdrawn from him before.

With his new grade, he could finally learn all these information.

The first thing that he learned was information about all the hidden planets that were under the rule of his state, he also learned of Planet Gorr and how Legolas was able to get the temporal powers that now made him so strong.

Also, and most importantly of all, he learned the truth about Legolas.

Originally, he saw his friend as just an extremely talented Summoner. When Legolas just came to galactic society, his Nightmare mercenary group was able to find footing only due to his connection and support.

Onana thought things were still the same until he finally learned the truth.

Learning of all the privileges that Legolas now had left him stunned.

And now just that, learning of why his friend was truly so valued by his state stunned him even more. He knew that Legolas was a seer.

When he heard of Legolas' achievements in helping during the war efforts after the Beast Coalition saga started, for a moment, Onana felt fooled.

Though he never paid attention to it, instinctively, he always thought that in Nak State, Legolas was always beneath him till he became a Calamity Grade warrior. It was now that he truly knew the worth of his friend.

This was why he wanted to know the truth.

Admiral Onana kept on looking at his friend. "The truth".

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Seeing his persistence, Legolas sighed. "First, I'm sorry again for not telling you about it beforehand, you should understand my reasons why".

"As for the truth that you're looking for," Legolas smirked. "How much did you truly know of my legend in Planet Darvis?"

Hearing that question, Admiral Onana instantly started thinking.

He looked at his friend, even more stunned now. "You had this ability all the way from our time in Planet Darvis?"

"I always had it". Legolas laughed.

"I don't know how much you know but I've always had it. By looking into fate was how I was able to outsmart the Clown Revolution to win against them and save my planet from being annexed by your General then".

"Looking into fate was how I was able to stop you also".

Onana's eyes widened, Legolas smirked. "I saw a prophecy of the Cataclysm long ago already, to prevent panic was why I did not spread the truth".

Admiral Onana nodded in understanding. "So, you have always been that silent guardian watching over Planet Darvis from the beginning".

"If you put it that way, I guess you're right". Legolas smiled.

"Perhaps, the only thing that I never was able to see was your arrival during the Cataclysm and the subsequent arrival of the Bug Emperor's army".

"Like I said before, it's incredibly hard to read the lines of faith".

"Being a seer does not make me omniscient".

"I only see what nature shows me".

Admiral Onana smiled as he rubbed his nose. "I've always known that you're an anomaly but after hearing all these, perhaps I still underestimated you a bit…, you're a freak". He laughed.

They spent a few seconds of silence between them as they observed this planet then Admiral Onana spoke again. "Are you ready?"

"The war?" Legolas did not turn his head.

"Yeah…, you're feeling jittery?"

Legolas did not answer immediately, he turned his head to look at his friend before he chuckled. "You're nervous?"

Admiral Onana rubbed his nose as he laughed. "You know, not everyone is like you, calm and stuff after already seeing into the future".

"Yes, I'm now an Admiral but I'm still a normal Nak warrior".

"I know we've made a lot of preparations but the Beast Coalition is truly a gigantic power, I feel that everything won't go as smoothly as we envision".

"Things may go bad and that's what I fear".

"I'm not scared of laying down my life for Nak State, afterall that's my duty as a Nak warrior…, what I'm instead scared of is the future".

"What if something happens?"

"What if there truly is a spy and he leeks our plans?"

"What if the Beast Coalition have a secret trump card that we don't know about? Like you said, even some parts of the future escape your seeing eyes".

"What if something happens to you?"

"What if you're targeted and you suddenly die before the war starts?"

"I have so many what ifs in my head and they're making me worry".

Admiral Onana looked at his friend. "That's why I want to know…, do you feel nervous or jittery at all?"

Legolas looked at his friend, he opened his mouth. "I…"

The Minerva Star System at this point in time was experiencing an unprecedented moment in history after so many years of playing it the cool way, the 2 leading powers were finally drawing on their large reserves of war resources.

They were already onto the final stages of the war preparation.

Mobilization was the final preparations.

Planet Rockfest…

At this moment, on top a gigantic plateau where 30 warships waited, levitating in the skies above them, thousands of talented Pugilists waited.

These were the geniuses that had been training in Planet Rockfest for decades and for some even centuries.

After such a long time isolated in this hidden planet, their state was finally calling upon them to represent them in war.

It was time to fulfill their duty.

3000 Pugilists were gathered on the plateau and at their front stood an old man with white beard and hair.

This old man was Rockfist, Planet Rockfest's keeper and one of the hidden Calamity Grade Supers of Nak State.

At this moment, garbed in imposing white armor, he held a gigantic silver Spear that seemed to resonate with this planet despite being in an inactive state.

The air around him warped due to his Pugilist energy's presence alone.

He faced his students. "You lots are some of the best Pugilists that the Nak bloodline was able to produce, it's time we put our talent to work".

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This old man's face was solemn. "It's war time…, and our President and navy has released the call of duty unto us".

"We are obligated to answer it".

He looked at his silver spear. "It's been centuries since I've taken this baby into the battlefront, we are a bit rusty now but we'll soon regain our edge".

This old Pugilist finally turned his back to the Pugilists as he looked at the warships above him. "You know, wartime is opportunity time to true warriors".

"Who wants to forge new legends with me?!" He roared.

"Me!" The Pugilists behind him also roared.

"Hehe…," He chuckled. "Let's go out there and show the dominance of the strongest super class out there, let's forge a new legend for the youngsters so more of them can decide to become Pugilists in the future".

"For Nak State!" He raised his silver spear and roared.

"For Nak State!" They roared after him.

And the next moment, the warships finally moved after taking the 3,000 Pugilists in as they left Planet Rockfest the next moment.

This mobilization was just one of many across the Minerva Star System at this moment as the 2 ruling powers finally decided to pull their weight.

In other planets, the Calamity Grade Summoners of the Nak State took responsibility as all the experimental beasts that were being grown for war across decades were finally mobilized by these master beast tamers.

In other hidden planets, warships upon warships pulled out of hibernation as they were finally mobilized for what they were created for…, war.

Technological weapons that were crafted by the scientific departments of Nak State were mobilized under special units, units that were under specific plans that were already finetuned by the Admirals.

Nak State was not the only one preparing, Ackermann State did the same.

And 5 hours to the time, a great teleportation portal opened.

Again, another unprecedented situation happened as all the warriors of Ackermann State and their war resources that would be going to the war made the giant leap, appearing in Nak territory.

Their arrival was the final preparation.

The Minerva Star System was ready for war.

Legolas looked at his friend, he opened his mouth to answer his question. "I really don't know if I'm jittery, what I know is that it does not matter if I am".

"A lot of expectations are on me and I must pull my weight this war".

"For that…," He grinned. "I am ready".

"I am ready for war".