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Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 697 Against the demons
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Chapter 697 Against the demons

[OP: ]

Eon returned to the high tower where his partner artificial creation, K, was still playing Gwen, firming colourful arrows all across the city and beyond the walls of the blessed city.

"E-Eon! The north!"

Some of the people that he had left a moment before to go join his Rein, were still present there, including the empress and his president.

They were looking at the situation with the stunned expression and were just about to move towards the location of the demons to provide support, however, Eon arrived in this place and they all stopped in their places.

"I know. I know, and I am going to issue new commands to everyone."

[[ "So listen well everyone." ]]

He used Celes's connection and the connections of the familiars that was making their detailed communication network that could be used despite the highest grade specialised communication blocking magic put all over the world by Lord Justin. 

He had been maintaining this special convention from the start of the battle and though it was a task unimaginably tough for someone like him, he did not mind it.

His own capital city was bei9ng destroyed here. His people were dying. The people he was supposed to protect with his life were all dying with each passing moment…

He could at least endure hell if it meant blocking all forms of communication of these demonic bastards and preventing more casualties from occurring.

He was the only one who could handle the force of the magical force of the barrier present around the city as the lord of the house of Lakmer, and even with his lacking physical abilities, he was enduring.

And, they all knew of this fact so they were doing their best as well.

[[ "First of all, two demon nobles have appeared. One is in the southern area where Emperor August and the party is and one is in the northern area where Emperss Aina and the party is present.

The situation on the northern side is currently in a difficult position as they were ambushed by the demon before they could pass through the second defence line of the enemy however, thanks to Lady Aina, everyone was able to get out of the destroyed area safely.

The demon in the north is a Baron ranked called [Viṁùľ] who is under the Demon king of Lust and pleasure while the demon in the south is viscount rank called [Kaimirvillah] who is under demon king of wreath.

Both sides are in near equal danger despite the presence of the strong forces thus, I will now assign the new positions for everyone that is not engaged in combat or might be needed in those locations. 

Additionally, I will be reciting the skills and inportent information about these demons so, the ones who are alredy fighting them, please listen carefully!" ]

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

He started giving them all the information he had managed to get with the improved appraisal of his three eyes and Lucy's prior data about the demon's mental barrierers and mind structures.

He could now see the status windows of demons easily as well, which was proven to be a very powerful weapon for their resistance units.

[[ "Then we will start pushing them back now." ]]

"Empress Vera, President Zodiac. Please go as well." 


"Take care, Axion."

The people on the high tower left in a hurry.

The time was scarce alredy, but now there were demons preset on this land.

And, the presence of the demons always means, creation of beings without any attachment to the nature…

And, since they were in a forest, the force that was released when the demons appeared turned many of the normal creatures of the forest into corrupted creatures or demonic creatures that were even more dangerous.

And, these creatures, instead of going towards the demon that had created them, were all moving towards the city…

"K, increase the output by thirty percent and continue what you were doing."

[ "As you wish Eon~!" ]

K, the mantis artificial intelligence, was playing Gwen even though Gwen was a bound artifact of Eon. A special trait that perhaps she possessed in this entire world.

And, while giving her that command, Eon even passed a very, very rare [Immortalium] crystal, a source of pure Mana that contained more than enough energy to sustain an entire empire for a few weeks, to his partner. 

Which she ate and became powerful enough to increase the output of her own string play by thirty percent which increased the overall arrow production to more than fifty percent.


It was good enough to keep up with the people that will now kill the new creatures that were coming towards the city, and, while they were busy doing so, he had the responsibility to take care of the remaining demonic humans in this city, as well as assist the people who were fighting the demonic nobles all by themselves.

'Lucy, prepare yourself.'

[[ *I am always ready, master. Just tell me what I have to do.* ]]


He was worried about her, but the situation was bad.

The demon nobles were no normal beings, certainly not when they were summoned by a bunch of bastards that were more annoying a bunch of authentic demonic humans.

They were another kind of crazy bastards so, the demons they had summoned were going to follow as they as had wished as well.

[[ Master, the situation is looking a little difficult over there. It seems like they are considering using the bigger powers. ]]

"Haaaa,,, then I will have to take care of the demon side first. K, focus on the bastards in the city for a moment please. Let me do something to those demon bastards."

The forces they had were certainly powerful, however, they could not use their bigger powers, and they could certainly not use their World Authorities at any cost on this battlefield.

They were doing a personal favor to the headmaster right now, and, if they use their greater power and it was known to the world, which it will for certain, there would be countless political bursts all over the world.

They knew it would affect the stability of the world and the society on a great scale, that's why their identities had to be reminded secret, which won't be possible in case of something too big happening.

"Haaaa… Don."

He knew this shit was fucked up as well and that they could finish it in minutes if they can, but, the aftereffects of doing so will be more harmful than the deaths of a few thousand people.

They were people possessing great powers, and they knew the consequences of using that great power.


"Yes, it's nice to see you again as well."

And, he knew it better than anyone else just how much chaos could be caused by a mere rumor that talked about how the great capital city of Lakmer was attacked, and people were killed by those demonic humans and how 'certain' powers of the world helped the Lakmer.

He knew it would cause shit ton of shitty things, and the shitty bastards and bitches waiting for an opportunity like this one would never let go of this fate given chance to bring down Lakmer, as well as the ones supporting them in one fell swoop.

The world of politics was dark, and dirty.

He did not like it…

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

However, he had to become a part of this dirty world to prevent it from interfering with him and the ones around him in the coming time.

He was ready to bare the consequences himself if it meant his family and friends, and his sisters and love could live a happy life.

'Lucy, release all the light element spells you have, combine them, and concentrate all of it in one point.'

[[ *Master?! That would-* ]]

'I will be fine. Just do as I said. We will have to divide the force and channel it all into (: Heaven's fury), as well as (: Executioner's divine judgement).'

[[ *But master! You cannot handle the channelling-* ]]

'I know I can't. But, this can, right?'

He had taken out Don, his white bow of light, the pretty bow that resembled an angel's wings and had three very special golden jewels embedded on it.

His master considered this bow one of her masterpieces, and it was the perfect weapon to fight against these bastard demons.

Additionally, he took out something he usually never takes out of his storage space. 

[[ *This… yes, if we use this… no! That would still put you into-* ]]

'I said not to worry, Lucy. Now, start.'

He was planning to use this branch, this Branch of the world tree that belonged only to him, to cast spells beyond what he currently should be capable of.

He was going to reveal a great lot of his own powers in the process, however, in the current situation, revealing what he was capable iof even at the expense of a great amount of pain and some mouthful of blood, was worth it.

It would all play in his favor later on, he knew that, so he was not backing down even after Lucy's warnings and decline.


He was adamant on conjuring heavens to punish the demons that had 'fairly' invaded the lands of the mortals, and, she could do nothing about this anymore.

[[ *I will take over if I sense anything is going out of control.* ]]

'I will count on that, then.'

He was a bastard and, even she did not like his attitude right now.

There was no real reason for him to do this but…


She could never hate these attractive tendencies of this special person.