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Chapter 458 Exorcists!
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Tick-tock. Tick-tock. 

Time was running out, as Butler Sheng and a few others ventured into the maize, desperately trying to get everyone out.

There were 200 and something bloody creatures with ferocious intent against very few of them. 

Half of these creatures were weaker than them, but the other half were either similar in strength or far more powerful than they could've ever anticipated. 


Butler Sheng was shot to the ground, as one of the powerful creatures stretched its rotting and body fingers, gripping Butler Sheng's neck hard.

So fast! 

No one saw how it vanished in the air and appeared before Butler Sheng.

Its grueling body had now shrunk, as it stood on Butler Sheng's belly, coaching down while tightening its grip on Sheng's neck. 

Butler Sheng also felt choked, feeling it was indeed a long, long time he met his match since following the Grandmaster. 

Luckily because senses its killing intent, he had long thrown the survivors far away before he could be pinned down. 



Like a volcanic eruption, the ground undid itself and flooded into the air, darting to the surrounding and forming a massive and deep crater.

The creature blinked its greenish eyes with interest. "Human, why are you so different?"

It leaned closer, sniffing the air around Butler Sheng.

Its ugly face was just a hair's inch from Butler Sheng's, causing worms and all sorts of rotting insects to fall on Sheng.

"How odd. You have no sense of fear in you. Human, why so heartless? Fear breeds from desire... the desire to live, the desire to have your wishes fulfilled, the desire to unwillingly die and any more...however you are without any of these."

Could a human truly leave worldly desires behind? 

In all its time in this world, never has it seen a human like this. 

Sniffing the human's body scent, it also relapsed a very important thing. --The human's body couldn't be devoured. Meaning, the human hadn't gone through their conditioning. 

Still, this was a great opportunity it didn't want to miss. 

The human's soul thread and aura were so clean that it couldn't help wondering just how tasty the human would be once converted into its human minion. 

That's right. 

These underworld creatures could sign unfair contracts, binding them to a human for whatever short-sighted goals these worthless beings had.

This human had no desires now, as a being that thought of itself as invincible, it felt whispering words of seduction would soon work on the human. 

All you have to do is manipulate the human's reality to become so bad that the human would think of doing just about anything to make it through.

And once the seed of hate is planted, it would grow 50 times faster for such pure-hearted people.

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Again, another matter made it state at Sheng, wondering what sort of blessed body he had that didn't burn from the boiling tar dripping off its mouth. 

"Human, you were born with good blessings. But with me, you will be even more blessed. Human, join me, as I will make you greater!"

The creature tightened its grip on Sheng's neck the longer it spoke, as though not giving him a choice.

Join him? Who do you think you are to snatch a person from the grandmaster?


Butler Sheng threw an exploding talisman in the air.


The creature was dumbfounded, not believing the sudden attack that left a huge see-through hole on its belly. 

Before impact, he could already feel the threatening power radiating from the explosion.

What was that? It has never felt such a terrifying thing in all its existence. 

However, that wasn't the worst part.


The creature looked at its slowly burning body, wailing in immense pain and agony. 

Bit by bit, its fragments burned into char, starting the outlines of the hole which now glowed a painful golden hue. 

What was this? What was happening to it? 

Raw panic filled its mind, as it tried to stop the burn to no avail.

Help! Help! Help! 

It began regretting its hasty actions, feeling that it was no wonder this human felt no fear at all. 


Tricked by a worthless human!


The bugs in it screamed and shook their flat flabby bodies running to the unaffected parts of its body with all their might. 

They were so aggravated that the creature's face moved like turbulent waves, as they swam, wiggled and darted around crazily. 

Honestly, the creature looked like it was about to explode from excessive movements from these bugs.

And amid the creatures' fear, Butler Sheng dared not let this opportunity go. 

Bang! Bang!

The creature looked at the invisible chains that now bonded him, and extended to the skies as though coming from out of space. 

It was only then that it suddenly dawned on him just what this human was. 


The creature's face turned pale, feeling its strength drain and its entire lower body now vanished. 

Too late! 

It had realized it too late, as half its strength was already gone making it easier for Butler Sheng to complete the exorcism.I think you should take a look at

Had it been at his initial strength earlier, the chains butler Sheng placed, could've been shaken off with a bit of struggling from it.

But now look who has the upper hand?

Butler Sheng didn't care for the pain in his neck, as he moved his fingers fast, murmuring and chanting as fast as he could.



The air around him blew a warm breeze, as his hair and clothes began floating almost his chants.

Come on! Take it away! Take it away now!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

More and more chains fell, adding to the burn the creature already felt.

And soon, just the creature's head remained floating.

"No! No! No! You can do this to me! How can this be? What can you exist in this world? Impossible! Impossible!" For a moment the creature was so delirious, not wanting to face reality.

Fear engulfed its heart for the first time in its existence, as it recalled the few words it once heard in the underworld.


Once exorcized, it won't be born from the abyss again. So isn't this just execution? The creature could not imagine itself as anything else other than an underworld being.

It despised and looked down on humans, but was now afraid it wouldn't get a chance to become one until perhaps a billion years.

Who wants to be reborn as a stone?

Who wants to be reborn as a single grain of sand?

Are you kidding? Without power, what was the point of living?

"Stop! Stop, you bloody exorcist! I said stop! Alright, alright, you win! l will give you anything you want. Cars, women, money, mansions, even nations! I am the most powerful creature from where I originated. So trust me, I can do it all!"


The most powerful? Should the princes of the underworld hear this lowly monster calling itself the most powerful, they might simply flick a finger and have it burn on the spot. 

Although it was the strongest they had ever encountered, don't think it was still impressive.

The real powerful ones were all in the underworld fighting the war.

Bear in mind there were thousands and thousands of them too. Perhaps millions. 

This creature claiming to be the most powerful was the funniest joke Butler Shneg had heard in a long time.

Floating in the air were the creature's eyes, as threats of its body and even its mouth had now burnt away. 

Butler Sheng smiled playfully. "I hope you like purgatory!"


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The eyes widened in horror as though screaming playfully. Sadly, it didn't stand a chance against the heavens and soon disappeared like a popped bubble. 


[Everyone watching]: (0■0)

What did they just see?


The other creatures were in disbelief.


The word was like a thunderclap, as their demeanor changed from playful to serious, especially after what they watched.

"Kill them all; don't give them a chance!"


The real battle commenced, which was fortunate for the onlookers who had now been taken out of the bubble. 

Hold on, why could they now pass through the invisible wall? 


Everyone gasped after seeing giant paper men sitting strategically every few feet. 

Gregory wiped his eyes to ensure he wasn't dreaming. "Did I just watch that paperman move?" 

Dammit! What sort of sorcery was this? And when can he do it too? 

It would be good to make a paper car that could drive around, no? 


The invisible wall was no longer so invisible, as they could now see a faint pinkish hue enveloping it.

What was going on?

"Everyone, leave! Leave! Leave fast!"

The few disciples and elders protecting them were quick to take them out. 

It wasn't an easy feat, seeing as many creatures tried to stop them.

However, what shocked the masses, even more, was that the creatures who used to pass through the walls with ease were now slamming into hard like a squashed mosquito against a car window.


Could it be because of these papermen? 

Like so, everyone was out, watching the greatest battle of all time.

The enemy was truly overpowering their saviors who are now covered in so much blood they look like risen corpses.

But when all hope was lost, everyone saw a young handsome cool-looking boy slowly approach the scene with his hands in his pockets.

He was wearing the same outfit as the others. But since was a boy and also the only one coming, many didn't hold much hope at all.

After all, what change could a little boy do?