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Genius Warlock-Novel

Chapter 413
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“…I want to know what it means that you fought with the son of an angel. Can you tell me?” Yareli inquired, her expression marked by bewilderment.

It wasn’t that she lacked comprehension. She was juggling multiple tasks simultaneously: assisting Rokuri University, overseeing the interests of the Magic Tower, securing the Skadi Subschool’s position, and keeping an eye on Oliver. Given this, engaging in an unusual conversation with Human-meat Chef naturally left her perplexed.

After some contemplation, Oliver eventually spoke up. “Um… I don’t think I can tell you. It’s not just my own affair.”

“It’s not just your own affair?”


Oliver responded, thinking of Merlin. Even if he were to provide an answer, it would be prudent to seek Merlin’s approval first.

“However, I’m curious about something too, so if you answer my question, Ms. Yareli, I might be able to give you a brief answer.”

This unexpected proposal left Yareli even more suspicious than her conversation with Human-meat Chef had. After careful consideration, she inquired, “What are you curious about?”

“Human-meat Chef’s statement that humans eat each other. What do you think, Ms. Yareli?”Oliver queried.

“Why do you ask that?” Yareli probed.

“I’m just curious. About other people’s thoughts.”


“What is this nonsense?”

A childish voice reverberated from the colossal mechanical tower erected in Ravel’s central Zone 1, a structure meant to showcase Galos’s power. Supposedly under maintenance and off-limits to all, the presence of a child’s voice was baffling.

Yet, Human-meat Chef reacted swiftly to the voice. “What’s the problem?”

Behind him stood a diminutive shadow, a dagger pressed against his neck. Despite this threat, Human-meat Chef remained unruffled. He knew that such a shadow posed no real harm to his flesh.

As if to prove his point, Human-meat Chef, his neck adorned with scales, nonchalantly scratched himself before drawing a French knife with his other hand, cleanly slicing the shadow in two. However, the divided shadow swiftly merged back into one, as if nothing had happened, and resumed pointing the dagger at Human-meat Chef.

“What kind of trick is this?” Pan demanded, his voice tinged with the irritability of a child.

“It seemed like you said if I help you, you’d hand over the guy who fought the son of an angel to me…”

“That’s right. To avoid the eyes of the Archiver… Ah, you mean because I said to leave?”

Pan responded with a silent nod.

“That was just to create confusion. Who would really leave just because their enemy told them to?” Human-meat Chef boldly and shamelessly stated, yet there was a kernel of truth in his words.

After orchestrating a blatant bomb attack in Landa, he couldn’t simply walk away. The conflict had escalated beyond a mere feud among wizards. If they left, not only would the Magic Tower lose its standing and prestige, but it would also be unable to evade pursuit by the city of Landa, which had aided them.

In essence, they were trapped. Hence, he had advised them to leave. Since they couldn’t, it was a tactic designed to befuddle them.

Of course, it wasn’t easy to discern his true intentions, but there was a hint of sincerity within. This was the subtlety of dealing with another warlock—mixing truths and falsehoods to render keen eyes ineffective. It was a simple yet unexpectedly cunning approach.

“So don’t misunderstand like a child. If I had other tricks up my sleeve, I would have done them in the basement earlier… We’re not interested in him right now. We’re more interested in our meal.”

Perhaps because there was a degree of logic in his words, Pan deliberated briefly before instructing his shadow to return to his side.

“Fine. I’ll trust you.”

“Oh, you trust me more easily than I thought?”Human-meat Chef sneered. Given Pan’s disagreeable nature, he hadn’t expected him to acquiesce so readily.

Unfortunately for him, his expectations were not misplaced.

“Not easily.”



Without offering a verbal reply, Pan simply snapped his fingers.

As the tower, with its limited power allocated for maintenance, lay shrouded in darkness and sealed off, monstrous entities began to emerge from every corner. These creatures were creations of Pan, grotesque monstrosities born from a blend of brutal imagination and black magic.

“I’ll leave these guys in this tower.”

“Are you joking?”

“What joke? It’s more like a kind of insurance. Or maybe a penalty. Since the old man acted on his own, I need some safeguards, right?”

Click! Click! Click!


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Screech! Screech!


Chirp. Chirp. Chirrup.

In the dim corridors, devoid of electricity, a cacophony of cries echoed. These creatures possessed human teeth, bird beaks, animal snouts, and fish gills, creating a chaotic symphony in response to their master’s presence.

“Don’t be scared. As long as you don’t play any tricks, I’ll transfer control to you. After all, all your subordinates need to move for their meal, right? And you need forces to guard the tower? I’ll watch and protect you… If you don’t like it, just overturn everything here and now.”

Pan’s menacing proposal prompted the creatures hidden throughout the tower to cry out once more, their voices reverberating through the structure.

It was an ironic turn of events. A product of advanced architecture and mechanical engineering, designed to showcase national power, had instantly transformed into a haunt of monsters. Perhaps it was inevitable, given that this civilization itself was constructed upon a foundation of barbarism.

Human-meat Chef interjected, “As long as you don’t leave a single one on the top floor, I’ll accept.”

“Why?” Pan inquired.

“Because your monsters are disgusting just to look at. Even I, who have seen all kinds of creatures from other worlds, find them repulsive. It won’t be a problem if you have one on the floor below to interfere with me, right? Or are you too scared to even accept that?”

Human-meat Chef’s provocation proved effective, fortunately.

“Um… Fine.”

“A monumental day. To agree with you on something. I don’t like it, but…”

As Human-meat Chef made his somewhat sarcastic declaration, Pan, accompanied by his shadow, raised his middle finger and departed, vanishing into the dark corridor.

With Pan’s departure, Human-meat Chef, now donning the mantle of a warlock, opened his eyes and scanned the entire mechanical tower. He extended his will and emotions, commanding the creatures as promised.

“Why did you just come here?” Gretel, who had been waiting in the observatory of the mechanical tower, emerged and inquired.

Human-meat Chef responded to his sister’s question, “What do you mean?”

“The basement. That guy… It was a good opportunity, wasn’t it?”

She was questioning why he hadn’t consumed Zenon or Dave. Reflecting on that moment, Human-meat Chef contemplated for a while before answering.

“It seemed better that way.”


“Did that sound strange?”

“Quite a lot? It’s not like us to just stand by when delicious prey is right in front of us, right?”

“That’s not wrong… But this time, the situation is a bit complicated.”

Gretel couldn’t dispute that fact. Even she, who had lived for centuries, was preparing for a meal of a scale she had never attempted before, planning to dismantle the entire organization she had painstakingly built as part of the cost.

And, of course, there were no regrets. With the clock ticking, she needed to move faster than anyone else, even if it meant pushing the boundaries.

“There’s no need to create unnecessary variables in such a situation. If Pan really gets upset and throws a wrench in the works, it could ruin everything. And I can’t guarantee that he’s worth that much trouble… So, let’s stick to priorities.”

Gretel unconsciously focused her eyes, looking intently at her brother with the eyes of a warlock.

Unlike herself, who concentrated more on being a wizard than a warlock, he emanated not a wall of mana but intense emotional turbulence, making it hard to read his true intentions.

However, Gretel was also an excellent warlock. She could partially read a glimmer of true intention within that emotional turbulence.

“Well, you’re right.”


“Yeah. But still, having to hand that guy over to that disgusting brat pretending to be a child, it’s frustrating.”

“There’s no need for that. If he’s really special, he won’t be easily defeated by Pan. And if he is defeated, then he was just that insignificant.”

Gretel felt lighter at her brother’s logical words.

He was right.

Extracting vast mana from the lake, reversing it, defeating Theodore, and even fighting and defeating the son of an angel made him remarkable, but it wasn’t certain yet.

A truly special, chosen one wouldn’t be easily defeated by such a delusional fool.

If he does get defeated, that would be the limit of his capabilities, and if it’s really regrettable, they can just take him back after finishing their meal.

With her mind cleared from the immediate greed, Gretel felt refreshed and spoke in a revitalized voice.

“You’re right, brother. First, we should proceed with what we have prepared.”


Seeing his sister’s mind settled, Human-meat Chef unusually showed a bright smile.

A warm and comforting smile.

Pleased by such a smile, Gretel too smiled back and tapped her fingers together as if something was still on her mind.

“Um… But are you sure? This… It’s my mistake that led to this, can I eat first…?”

“Don’t you remember the promise?”


“That I would let you eat the most delicious part first? From that house.”


[Rokuri University must explain! They must explain!]

Inside the grand library of Rokuri University, Oliver used a telescope and black magic to observe and eavesdrop on a speech happening outside the university.

Despite having many more books to read, he was intrigued by the large-scale rally he was witnessing for the first time.

A man holding a microphone on the podium kept shouting. The audio equipment behind him amplified his rough voice, striking the ears of the numerous people gathered outside Rokuri University.

[Since when have we allowed the royals of Galos to run rampant in our city? And that’s not all! To catch a warlock, they turned our city into a battlefield, disregarding our safety!]

The man was angry, and his anger quickly spread to the surrounding people, creating a sense of empathy.

His behavior was quite fierce and violent, but honestly, his words were not entirely wrong.

Whatever the case, Oliver had indeed attacked Human-meat Chef’s business and hideout quite violently with Kevin, Terence, and Yareli.

Of course, it wasn’t that they hadn’t considered collateral damage. They had been as careful as they were during their work in Landa.

However, regardless of that, they hadn’t considered the city’s discontent over the rough battles.

Or perhaps they couldn’t, as they didn’t in Landa.

Oliver continued to watch the speech through the telescope, and the man on the podium kept shouting.

[And look! While those fancy mages from the United Kingdom turned our turf into a battlefield, what did the police do? The bureaucratic nobles!! …They said nothing! They had no concern for our safety and lives!! Since when have we been treated like this?!! Decades ago, we fought for freedom, equality, and our inalienable rights!!]

The concepts of freedom and equality from decades ago didn’t resonate much with Oliver, but they seemed to hold special significance for the people here, as they all cheered passionately in response to the speech. A woman in the crowd shouted.

“Women’s rights too!”

[No, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.] the man on the podium hastily corrected her, more sincerely than when he shouted about inalienable rights.

“Are you still watching?” Someone spoke to Oliver, who was looking out the library window. A now familiar voice. It was Yareli.

Without looking at her, Oliver kept watching outside, finding it more interesting.

“Yes, it’s quite a rare sight in Landa, quite interesting. The content of the speech is also amusing.”

“What are they talking about?”

“They’re complaining about us running amok in this city. But they’re not even mentioning both sides. I wonder what that means – ah, he just said it. Both sides. But what does that mean? I asked around, but no one would tell me.”

“You asked?”

“Yes, I was curious.”

Yareli sighed deeply and regretfully.

“Anyway, they’re also expressing dissatisfaction with the police and bureaucratic nobles for neglecting us, and they’re saying they fought for freedom, equality, and inalienable rights decades ago… except for women. Did these people really receive support from Human-meat Chef?”

“According to the information from Lucian. Capitalists, intellectuals from the minority commoner faction… Honestly, I can’t believe it either.”

Oliver nodded. It was something to contemplate that Human-meat Chef, already dominating half of Galos’ underworld, had also secured such significant influence in the public eye.

Perhaps it wasn’t so strange. Such a scene was not uncommon in Landa.

Investing in businessmen through vast capital and supporting specific individuals to exert influence was a familiar tactic.

However, there was still something he couldn’t understand.

Why would someone with such immense influence repeatedly make big moves to escalate conflicts?

Although Oliver wasn’t an expert in this field, he knew that someone with such power would move more cautiously over time, like the directors of Crime firm.

As one grows bigger, it’s only natural to become more cautious in one’s actions.

For a moment, Oliver wondered if Human-meat Chef lacked patience, but he shook his head, dismissing the thought.

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Human-meat Chef he had encountered, despite his rough mannerisms, exuded experience, and building such a force was proof enough of his patience.

This made it all the more incomprehensible.

Why would he overtly antagonize Rokuri University and the Magic Tower, and even mobilize the commoner faction’s connections, giving the king and nobles more reason to intervene actively?

This had led to the military being stationed near Galos, heightening tensions in the city.

Despite momentarily quieting the situation, the choice appeared disproportionate to the result, further escalating the tension.

Oliver, without making eye contact with Yareli, inquired, “Has the professor made any decisions?”

“No, he’s still in a stalemate with Rokuri University. It’s frustrating, but given the situation, there’s not much we can do. The city’s citizens are protesting, and there’s suspicion within Rokuri University itself about who might be colluding with Human-meat Chef.”

This was an accurate assessment. Following the clandestine meeting with Human-meat Chef and the delivery of the unique specimen, suspicions within Rokuri University had surged, with everyone harboring doubts about their colleagues’ involvement with the notorious figure.

This heightened atmosphere of mistrust had paralyzed them all, rendering any decisive action impossible.

“So, did Mr. Terence call for me?”

“No, I came here for a matter of my own. To give you an answer.”

“An answer?”

For the first time, Oliver shifted his gaze toward Yareli.

“Yes. My thoughts on humans eating humans. I asked for some time to think.”

Indeed, in the basement, when Oliver had inquired, Yareli had requested additional time for reflection.

“Have you finished your thinking?”

“Yes. But there’s a condition.”

Oliver raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the additional condition.ɴᴇᴡ ɴᴏᴠᴇʟ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀs ᴀʀᴇ ᴘᴜʙʟɪsʜᴇᴅ ᴏɴ Novᴇ(l)Fɪre .ɴᴇt

“Could you share your thoughts, Zenon?”


“Do you have any thoughts about it, Zenon?”

“Um… Yes, I can’t say it’s the correct answer, but I have my personal thoughts.”

“Can you tell me what they are?”

“Uh… I’m sorry, but that would be at my loss. If I tell you about the son of the angel-“

“-That’s fine. I’m not uninterested, but now I’m more curious about your thoughts, Zenon. Can you tell me that?”

It was an unexpected proposition, but not an unwelcome one. In fact, it was preferable. Discussing the incident involving the son of the angel was a substantial burden for Oliver, even if it was a brief conversation. Moreover, engaging in a dialogue on the same subject was more productive.

Nevertheless, he couldn’t help but inquire, “May I ask why your curiosity has shifted?”

“Is that important?” Yareli replied differently than her usual cautious demeanor, as if the protective barrier she usually maintained around Oliver had slightly lifted.

Perhaps she was weighed down by the numerous troubling matters surrounding her.

“First of all, let me tell you my thoughts first━” Oliver began to express his thoughts.


However, his words were abruptly cut off by a thunderous explosion that shook the surroundings, swallowing his voice.

Fortunately, the windows, constructed of reinforced glass, remained intact but vibrated significantly. The explosion had originated from the front, prompting Oliver to turn his head and witness an astonishing sight.

An unexpected explosion had rocked the area where the speech had been taking place just moments ago, generating a massive explosion accompanied by billowing gray smoke. Beyond the dense smoke, ominous red flames flickered. Both Oliver and Yareli watched the scene in stunned silence, but their motivations for doing so differed.

Yareli observed the unfolding chaos in disbelief, while Oliver discerned a figure emerging from the smoke.

It was an extraordinarily massive human, a giant.

“It’s a giant!” exclaimed a university guard stationed at the main gate.

(To be Continued)

CH 414-423 (Vs Human-meat Chef Part3) $3CH 424-433 (Vs Human-meat Chef Part4) $3CH 434-443 (Dave Vs 100 Druids) $3444~ $1/chapter


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