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Eternal Villain: I can enslave Reality!

Chapter 88 88: The Heavenly Storm
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"We need to stay with the main army. We need to contribute to the war! How can we be left behind? The Empire can't win without our help! You need to convince them to come down with us!" The girl exclaimed.

Even though it was surprising to see his daughter getting so involved suddenly, Chen Huo overlooked it. Even he wanted their clan to rise through this war after all.

"Do you think I didn't try? The Third Prince isn't the one to listen. If I try more, it'll only make things worse. The best we can do is save the cities and then join the war!"

He patted the head of his daughter, before leaving to instruct his men further.

As he left, the innocent look in Chen Rouyin's eyes disappeared, revealing a look of malice as she looked toward the commanding ship.

Unfortunately, no one was there to see that.


Back on the Commanding Ship, Xu Shan once again returned to his bed.

"Chen Huo isn't an idiot. He's a typical righteous fool. His biggest flaw is that he is easily influenced because of his daughter. To think that the little girl snuck inside the ship..."

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He closed his eyes, carrying multiple thoughts in his head. However, he was so tired that he didn't even realize when he fell asleep.


The Ships of the Chen Clan separated from the Royal Army as they started descending.

While the Chen Clan landed around the city and started their rescue operation, killing the bandits, the Royal Army continued on their way.

And thus, Xu Shan's already small army became even smaller. However, he didn't seem to care. If anything, he was sleeping peacefully like a child who rarely had a sleep like this.

Despite the danger that still lingered in the air, Xu Shan knew that he could trust Xinren to wake him up in case there was any danger to his life.

In Xinren's absence, he had to be careful all the time, since he was the most vulnerable when he was sleeping. But now, he didn't have to worry about that.

He could finally let his guard down and trust someone else to protect him for once. However, deep down, Xu Shan was still somewhat scared that this newfound trust and safety was only a temporary illusion.

He knew that he couldn't rely on it forever and that he still had a long way to go before he could truly feel safe in this world.

But for now, he was grateful for the reprieve and the chance to finally breathe a little easier.


The lightning storm outside the majestic black castle was unlike any other. The sky was pitch black, and the only source of light came from the blinding flashes of lightning that lit up the entire sky. The thunder was so loud that it shook the castle walls and made the windows rattle in their frames.

Inside the castle, the residents huddled together in fear. They could hear the wind howling outside, and the rain pounding against the castle walls. It was as if the elements had turned against them, and they were powerless to stop it.

The candles flickered and danced in the strong gusts of wind that seeped through the cracks in the walls. The eerie shadows cast by the flickering flames only added to the sense of foreboding that hung heavy in the air.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck a nearby tree, causing it to splinter and crack in half. The people inside the castle could hear the deafening sound of the tree falling to the ground outside, and they knew that the storm was getting worse.

The castle was old and grand, with towering turrets and a moat that surrounded it on all sides. But despite its imposing size, the castle was no match for the fury of the storm.

As the storm continued to rage outside, a wedding ceremony seemed to be taking place inside. However, none looked happy in the wedding ceremony. If anything, everyone had a trace of fear in their eyes.

The atmosphere was grim. There were guards all around the castle, alert for a battle at any moment.

What was surprising was that all the Guards were Heavenly Celestials. However, all of them appeared terrified, as if they weren't confident enough either.

But the lightning continued to strike, illuminating the castle and the surrounding countryside in a bright, blinding light.

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Within the frightening lightning storm, a figure appeared in the distant sky.

The figure was dressed in all black. It appeared to be a man, with long black hair.

He had a handsome face, and a perfect body as if he had descended straight from heaven. However, his aura was something that could make anyone tremble!

Both his eyes lacked a single trace of emotions. However, What caught even more attention was that the man had a Celestial Spirit Mark in his left eye.

His cold eyes looked at the castle in the distance as fierce lightning kept crackling all around him. However, it was as if even the lightning was scared of him, avoiding him!

As soon as the man appeared, a terrifying aura engulfed thousands of miles of area.

People inside the castle revealed fear as their faces turned pale. Even the bride and the groom were monetarily frozen.

All the Heavenly Celestials rushed out of the Castle. Their expressions were so grim, making it appear as if they were facing a monster!

Over twenty Peak Heavenly Celestials surrounded the man in the dark robe. However, before they could even attack, they felt a cold hand around their neck, as if they were being choked.

And that was when the man in the center hadn't even moved, but only glanced in their direction.

All the Heavenly Celestials tried to struggle, but they couldn't. They felt as if they were losing their life energy and their strength, turning older with each passing second.

The man's eyes seemed to glow brighter, and the pressure around their necks intensified.