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Entering Apocalypse in Easy-Mode

Chapter 238 His Arrival
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The monster stabbed both of its arms with black claws covered in black, tar-like slime. Clyde easily dodged sideways; in the blink of an eye, he was already out of reach of the claws.

He stood with a straight face staring at the ground crushed by the monster's black claws. The part of the ground where Clyde was standing before made a loud sizzling sound and started to turn black. If the slime in the claws got on the flesh of a creature, it would decompose in a matter of seconds, maybe less. 

It has the ability to decompose the target. That type of monster always has the same ability,' thought Clyde.

Not wanting to waste any more time, Clyde ran fast and then jumped; he drew the Elderglass Sword forward, sending a stab of Mana towards the monster corpses dragon.


Clyde's Mana shot severed the monster's right flank; making the monster crash onto the black ground with a bang and scattering the black ashes that created a little bit of mist.

Clyde didn't end it there. He landed and lunged at the monster. In the blink of an eye, he was right in front of the monster's neck. Clyde swung the Elderglass Sword and immediately beheaded the monster covered in corpses.

Blood was spurting all around; Clyde immediately jumped back before the stench of blood hit him. With his current speed, Clyde could even dodge the speed of the splashed blood liquid.

He got a notification that he had killed the monster and saw that the amount of Exp he had gotten was quite a lot. Of course, after that number was multiplied by ten times with the [Skill: Inspection] he had.

He saw several rushed shadows from behind the fog. It was Samuel and Leyan. They rushed at high speed but they immediately stopped when they saw the monster they were worried about was dead.

"We should already know," Leyan said to Samuel with a helpless expression.

Samuel shrugged his shoulders. "You're right."

They saw Clyde standing in front of the monster that had lost its head with an indifferent expression and immediately realized the difference between their strength and Clyde's.

Then, Leyan's eyes fell on the sword in Clyde's hand. The sword would definitely catch the attention of anyone who saw it for the first time because of its shape and form.

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"What sword is that?" Leyan asked with obvious curiosity.

"That's the sword he brought from the Selection Stage," Samuel replied.

Leyan immediately glanced at him. "What do you mean? How did he get a weapon from the Selection Stage?"

Samuel said. "You know one of those Senior Council members? The Elf with glasses?"

"Maethion? Why?"

"He was the one who took the sword for him."

Leyan returned his gaze to Clyde who was now walking towards them. He had already put the Elderglass Sword back into its scabbard.

There were a lot of questions in Leyan's head right now; how could Clyde ask a Senior Council to give his weapon which should have been destroyed back to him? Then, when could he have a good relationship with a Senior Councilor?

"How was your hunt?"

Clyde's question awakened Leyan's reverie. He was still reluctant enough to ask Clyde directly. Maybe later he could find out the answers to all his questions from Samuel or the five people who had run the expedition with Clyde.

"Well, it's going well so far," replied Samuel.

Clyde used [Skill: Inspection] on them and saw that they were already above Level 20. He nodded as if in understanding; it was only natural that their Levels immediately jumped higher than Leon and his friends because they had been training longer than them. Those Aetheric Records must have instantly adapted to their current body state.

"Let's continue then," said Clyde.

The hunt was resumed. They went deeper and deeper into the tipi dark mist rising from within the cracks in the black barren ground. Even though the fog filled this place but they could still see each other's silhouettes who were hunting elsewhere.

A few minutes later they finally encountered several large monsters at once. Clyde let the others handle one monster while he handled the other monsters alone.

When they saw Clyde fighting and killing two monsters faster than them, the ten people couldn't help but be dumbfounded even though they already knew how strong Clyde was. When they saw him in action again he always exerted more power than before.

'Does he have a different power of system than us? Or is it just because he is stronger?' Samuel can't help but wonder. He thought that Clyde had not told them everything he knew. Samuel had a hunch that Clyde might still have another secret behind his extraordinary power.


The huge explosion that sent heat all around snapped Samuel from his reverie. Clyde just killed another big monster with his fire power.

Samuel also knew that he got his power from the warrior Uriel who he killed at that time. But he also knows that his power is not as strong as Clyde's.

"Sam!" Kiara called out to him, waking up Samuel who was staring at Clyde. "Come on! What are you doing?"

The monster in front of them was still alive despite being badly injured. Samuel immediately moved to kill the monster after temporarily pushing away thoughts of Clyde.


Anahita and the others wearing full armor and weapons while following Archangel Michael towards the portal.

Their armor was made of shiny white metal. With that armor they can get very strong protection without putting too much burden on their body; allowing them to maintain agility and speed when fighting.

The Archangel himself wore armor that was not much different. It's just that behind his armor was a long coat that reached his calves, fluttering when he walked with his long legs.

Anahita stared at the sword hanging from the Archangel's waist. Ever since she saw what the sword could do she always felt lucky to be on the Archangel's side rather than his enemy. She once saw how Archangel Michael wiped out an entire army with just one swipe of his sword. It was even too much for Celestials.

That reputation made Archangel Michael one of the most feared Celestials in The All Territory. There were only a few Celestials who dared to fight head-on with him.

Since a long time ago, Archangel Michael had also become a figure feared by the Demon Kings. His existence alone was able to make the Demon Kings reconsider their decision.

No one knows where the Archangel took them. But the five people could only follow him without asking further because they were reluctant to just ask.

Once they arrived in front of the portal Michael said. "We're going to the Far East. I guess I forgot to tell you that, right?"

The Archangel turned to the five of them while chuckling. If people who didn't know him saw that, they would definitely think that Archangel Michael was a friendly and smiling person.

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"You only take the five of us, Your Majesty?" he asked.

"Yes." he nodded. "That's enough."

The five people exchanged confused glances. Just now the news about the death of one of the warriors of Archangel Uriel came that indicated how great the danger they had to face; however, Archangel Michael said that only he and the five of them would depart.

Once again, even though the decision seemed unwise, it was given by Archangel Michael so they didn't dare express their disapproval.

The portal opened and they immediately entered behind the Archangel. A moment later they had arrived at the battlefield - The Far East.

The environment here was a little different from back then. Here now the Celestials were staring at the pitch-black wall in front of them with even more tense facial expressions than before.

Archangel Michael's arrival made them all turn their heads almost simultaneously after feeling his aura. The strongest Archangel walked towards Uriel and Gabriel. They both had surprised faces when they saw Michael coming with a smile on his face.

"How are you doing?" Michael asked in a casual tone.

"We - we are fine. For now," Gabriel answered.

"So you decided to come," Uriel said, then glanced behind Michael. "And you only brought these five people?"

"Yes." Michael nodded curtly. "I'm sorry for your loss. I promise to pay them back, Uriel."

Uriel pursed her lips. "Please."

Ripples formed again on the wall, indicating that a horde of strange monsters would emerge from it.

"They're coming, Michael," Uriel said while staring at the black wall with eyes burning with vengeance.

Michael didn't say anything in return to her. He just rushed forward at high speed; what he did left Uriel and Gabriel dumbfounded.

"Michael!" Gabriel called out to him but it was no use. Michael kept running, unsealing his sword.


The sound of the sword being drawn from the scabbard echoed across the battlefield. A moment later, strange monsters came out from within the black wall.
