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Entering Apocalypse in Easy-Mode

Chapter 237 Taking Action
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Anahita gets into deep thought. The magnitude of this issue had suddenly increased to this level. Even though she thought that there would still be sometime before something like this occurred.

When she looked up, Anahita saw that the faces of everyone in the room were not much better than hers. They are one of the many parties formed by Archangel Michael to deal with various kinds of problems. And Anahita is one of the core members of this important group.

Just like everyone in Sivagadh Fortress and everyone in the Senior Council, Anahita has good reason to be in the Resistance group fighting the Celestials from the darkness.

She had gone through various kinds of suffering in the Selection Stage until finally turning her into a cruel person. Anahita has faced ten men who have done despicable things to her.

After killing her husband, the men were abusing her sexually. And then, the feeling of revenge swelled in her heart. Anahita finds the strength to move for revenge. 

That's when suddenly a luminous figure with spread wings approached her who was slumped. The figure is a messenger from the Archangel Michael who is attracted to her, somehow. So Anahita joined to become her follower and Archangel Michael gave her extraordinary power to take revenge.

Anahita killed everyone who had killed her husband and abused her sexually. She wasn't giving them an easy death either. She tortured them for days while going through one Chapter after another in the Selection Stage. It was only when she was satisfied that Anahita killed them.

However, after that, guilt overtook her. Her day is filled with regret, resentment, and hate for whatever it was that made her experience this terrible suffering.

After several years Anahita found the Resistance group and joined. Decided to become a spy for the obvious purpose of destroying the Celestials. Because even though she has gained extraordinary power, in the end, she still loses her husband and experiences that suffering.

Hundreds of years have passed since then but Anahita and the Resistance have yet to find any success or the changes that could threaten the Celestials. So, they wouldn't have expected that there would actually be an incident like this that shook The All Territory and the Celestials that inhabited it.

"Is there any movement from the Demon Kings?" Ruby - a blonde-haired woman with a petite body asked the thin man.

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"As far as I know, they haven't done anything yet and I doubt they will. They must also know that the creatures from within the black wall can do more damage to them than before," the thin man - Ren - answered.

"So you think they'll also be on alert?" Ruby asked again.

Ren nodded. "They will also be more worried about themselves than they are about to act aggressively."

The conversation in the room continued with their discussion of what the current Demon Kings would do. Anahita was silent and pretended to listen with interest; although she could get news about the Demon Kings from one of her colleagues at the Senior Council.

Suddenly, the door was forced open without knocking first. The five people in the room turned their heads simultaneously and they all wore the same shocked expressions. They immediately stood up stiffly when they saw who had entered their room.

"Your Majesty," said the man with short silver hair - Roman.

The figure that entered the room was none other than the Archangel Michael himself. He was a tall man with a towering height of over two meters. His hair is a long silver strand down to his back and always looks shiny especially when exposed to light.

He smiled. "You guys heard about what happened?"

The five of them nodded simultaneously.

The Archangel breathed a sigh of relief while maintaining his smile. "This can't be real. I didn't pay much attention to it for too long."

The five people looked at each other; wondering why the Archangel had suddenly come to see them and what was the meaning behind his words. However, they didn't say anything and could only wait.

"You guys come with me. We're going somewhere. Get ready," Michael said.

After saying that Michael spun on his heel and left the room closing the door, leaving them confused. However, they didn't remain in a daze for too long as they were used to their master's attitude like that.

The man with short silver hair sighed and then said. "Let's just get ready."

So they started preparing. Without knowing where they are going or what they are going to do.

This makes Anahita feel uneasy. Spying on Archangel Michael is not an easy task because of his mysterious nature. Right now, she can't contact her colleagues at the Senior Council for information and can only hope that the Archangel doesn't do anything too massive.


After an hour of hunting, Clyde finally arrived at a fairly high place in this Ruin. This place was a mountain which of course consisted of black earthy barrens with cracks emitting heat.

He had already risen to Level 103 even though he only hunted small monsters because of his [Skill:Exp+]. Clyde was sure the others must not even reach half of his Level despite their continued work during this hour.

From this mountain everything looks clearer; Clyde also got closer to the floating corpses in the air. The sight seemed even more disturbing when he saw it from a closer distance.

'When will they wake up and start attacking?'

Clyde got that thought every time he looked at the corpses. There must be a reason why they weren't destroyed and instead floated in the air besides creating the impression of horror. Clyde was almost certain that these corpses would wake up and start attacking when the time came and that might turn out to be quite troublesome. Perhaps among these corpses were Leyan's relatives and that could give him an even worse mental attack.

While Clyde was daydreaming about all the possibilities while staring at the corpses, something he had been waiting for appeared from a distance.

Behind the gray clouds, a silhouette of a monster was flying toward him. The monster had a huge wingspan, maybe twenty meters wide.

Clyde breathed a sigh of relief. "Finally, something worth fighting for."

Before this, he had only fought black wraiths which were only Level 3 monsters. He had to kill hundreds just to gain one Level, but with the presence of that big monster, he will definitely be able to get more Exp.

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The monster flew closer to him; Clyde finally saw a pair of pale white eyes shining from behind the gray clouds. A moment later the silhouette became clear, revealing the shape of a monster that looked somewhat similar to the one he had killed in the Selection Stage; The Corpse Bringer Dragon.

Around the monster's body were stuck hundreds or even thousands of corpses that seemed to have been pasted on randomly; creating gruesome sights like the art of an artist with a twisted mind.

If one sees at a glance the monster does look like a dragon. It's just that the corpses that stick around its body look disturbing.

Clyde was about to draw his Inferno Blade, but he held back and drew the Elderglass Sword instead. The blade that looked like blue glass reflected the sight of the corpses floating above Clyde.

'It's been a long time since I actually used this sword.'

Clyde smiled. This sword helped him pass the Selection Stage easily. Clyde believes there is still a lot of hidden potential behind this sword that he doesn't know about.

Before this, Clyde had infused Demonic Essence into this sword and gained tremendous Demonic power; the power he used to kill that Outer God replica.

The dragons are getting closer. It opened its mouth to let out some sort of gas attack. Clyde now even stopped using [Skill:Inspection] to see the monster's information because he was sure he could kill it without difficulty.

"Let's see if this sword's power is still the same," Clyde muttered as he channeled his Mana into the Elderglass Sword.

The transparent blue blade glowed with a faint glow because Clyde only poured a little Mana into it. 'This much should be enough.'


The dragon corpses spewed what looked like wisps of black smoke from its mouth accompanied by a strange scream. The black smoke immediately shot toward Clyde at high speed.

Clyde however, chose not to dodge; instead, he swung the Elderglass Sword from right to left and sent a blue slash in the shape of a crescent moon towards the black smoke.

A small explosion accompanied by a flash of bluish light erupted when the two attacks collided. A moment later all of that disappeared leaving a bit of black smoke in the air; the leftover from the corpse dragon's attack. 

The corpse dragon immediately dived toward Clyde after seeing that its attack was not working. The monster took out its claws which were covered in black slime.
