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Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 60 The Kiss
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A pair of eyes flung open, adjusting to the blinding rays of light in the room. It took her some time but soon, she sat up lazily and the second she did, she felt a pang of headache.

'Another feeling of Déjà vu.' She mentally noted before sitting up.

Several thoughts flashed before her eyes but she could hardly make out the sequence in which they had occurred or what they were.

Amidst the numerous events that occurred between last night and this morning, one thought lingered in her mind.

"Was that a dream?" She thought out loud and shut her eyes close.

In her dream, she was lying right in this very room when Liu Xueyi walked in and charmingly gazed down at her. After some time, he sat down beside her, caressing her hair and cheek before pressing his lips to hers.

She shut her eyes and fell back down on the pillow close to her as she hugged it. No sooner, she pried them open and reached up for her lips.

'Was it a dream though? Yikes! I got so naughty I dreamt of kissing him, oh Andromeda.' She scolded in her mind.

Just then she heard the door open and turned to face it. Low and behind, Liu Xueyi walked in, dressed in the same pair of white trousers and matching shirt she was sure she saw him on, in her dream.

Her heart skipped a beat and she tensed. She watched him move into the room till he came to stand in front of her bed.

There was no trace of a smile on his face but a devilish smirk played at the corners of his lips. "What are you going to say, drunk head?"

She remained quiet and held on to the pillow. "Now you're dumb?" He questioned still, provoking her.

"I don't know what to say," she replied calmly as she held on to the pillow. As much as he scolded her, she questioned if her dream was going to play out. Shaking her head at the thought, she looked at him again. "What do you want me to say?"

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"Hmm. Your head still seems to be in the cloud, Andromeda. Take a good look at yourself and tell me."

She followed the line of his sight and her eyes landed on her body. "Huh?"

It took her a minute to understand before snapping her head up. Immediately her cute expression changed and her face was flushed with anger.

"Liu Xueyi! What did you do?" She asked through gritted teeth and grabbed the sheets to cover herself.

"What does it look like?"

"Where are my clothes? How come I am naked and…" she lowered her voice. "In your shirt?"

"Half-naked," he corrected. "At least you still have your panties."

Urgh! She felt like slapping some sense into that muddled brain of his. What difference did it make anyway if she had her panties on or not?

"Don't make it sound any better when it is worse," she snapped again.

Slowly, she took in a deep breath when her brain registered what might have happened.

'No. No. No. Andromeda not again. Not with another guy!' she lamented within her. She had barely gotten over the trauma of the first, now another?

"Wait," her gaze found his, checking to see if he was lying. "Did we… you know, do it?"

A soft chuckle fell off his lips and his smirk brightened, reaching up to his eyes.

"Crack that muddled head of yours for your answer," he taunted then took closer steps to the bed and placed a knee on it.

Shocked, she leaned back from him, taking more of the sheets to cover herself.

He placed both hands on either side of her body, trapping her, leaving only up as her means of escape.

His gaze trailed from her hands holding tightly against the sheets to her shoulders and the small space her movement had opened up to her chest, reading a bit of cleavage.

"You think these sheets would be able to stop me from having you if I so desired?" Her face paled at his words but she managed not to show fear as he chuckled again.

"You should recall perfectly if we did anything or not, don't you think?" Liu Xueyi pushed the question. "Considering you, initiated it all."

Her brows creased at his remark. Initiated it all?

"What? You can't recall still? Fine, let me help jog your memory."

As he said that, he pushed forward. Quickly, Andromeda retreated a bit, causing him to climb the bed and kneeled his way over to her.

Before she got the chance to escape, he moved fast and pressed down on her, bringing his face closer to hers. "You went this close. You asked for a kiss to make a certain someone jealous."

Her eyes flew open and she recalled.


"Perfect then. I can just chase after you. Come here, give me a kiss let's make that Wu Bai jealous."

Watching his eyes fly open, she felt even more mischievous and felt the need to taunt him as he did her.

Andromeda tugged on his suit some more and pressed her lips together while shutting her eyes as she leaned forward for a kiss.

One second, she went from crying drunk to passionate drunk.

As much as he wanted to stop her, everything happened too fast and all he could do was stare in shock as she took the daring lead to initiate their official first kiss. With eyes wide open and heart racing, Liu Xueyi waited for her lips to touch his.

However, before her lips met with his, her eyes opened and the next thing he knew…


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~Flashback Ends~

She smiled sheepishly at him, even though she could smell death in the air and swallowed hard. From the look on her face and the trace of irritation, he knew she had recalled what happened.

More so, just the thought of it, make him want to puke as well.

"Recalled yet?" His deep voice vibrated in her ears.


She nodded at him but remained silent. "With your mouth Andromeda. Answer me or are you a lizard."

"No." He raised his brow at her. "I mean yes," she corrected quickly.

"So, you are a lizard. I should have known and not let a lizard try to kiss me,' he smiled briefly.

"You know what I meant, gosh! Liu Xueyi, don't push your luck," she threatened mildly.

"You said?" The hint of a smile she saw earlier immediately vanished. What was left was the same icy cold stare she got when she was in trouble.

"I said, sorry."

"I didn't hear you clearly, Andromeda."

"I said sorry."

"Better. Next time you try to kiss me, ensure not to barf."

"Kiss you?" His eyes popped wide. That had come out wrong. "Who would want to kiss you in the first place?"

He chuckled at her and raised his brows in silent questioning. Without warning, he let his weight press on her as he brought his lips closer to hers. "Why don't I, take it myself?"

"Liu Xueyi, I…" her words was immediately silenced and her eyes widened.


Pfftt... Who else laughed at this scene?