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Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 524 Audition
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Chapter 524 Audition



Arriving at the entertainment company, Qi Fuyi greeted them and quickly explained the situation to them.

Both Andromeda and Yu Weilan would have to perform a challenging scene to determine who would take on the role of Xu Ming.

Yu Weilan, who had stepped out of the Director's office along with him, couldn't help but eye Andromeda maliciously.

As far as she was concerned, this was the lady trying to steal her shine.

'I mean, she could have worked well as a stunt double; why give her the role as a whole?' Yu Weilan questioned inwardly and tched.

However, one look at Andromeda, and she could tell she and the lady standing close to Liu Xueyi were on a totally different level.

She exuded grace and confidence, and her beauty radiated. Without acting, she already had the air of a star around her.

Subconsciously, Yu Weilan lowered her head, biting her lower lip as she studied Andromeda, to the point she failed to notice when Qi Fuyi asked them to go to the set.

"Yes, yes. Um okay."

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Rather than go in, she stepped aside, giving room to Andromeda and Liu Xueyi to go inside. All the while, Director Qi kept a close eye on her, observing her every reaction.

Ever since he made mention of the audition being today, her confidence seemed to have dropped. Either that or she was caught off guard and something else was wrong.

Although the concept of catching them off guard wasn't part of his plan, Qi Fuyi found it to be the perfect testing time.

A good actor is supposed to be prepared to take on any role at any point in time.

Seated in front of the set, Qi Fuyi, Liu Xueyi, and Director Chao Jin-Ho, flanked by a small audience of actors and actresses, all had their eyes set on the duo.

The pressure was intense, and anticipation was building as Andromeda and Yu Weilan stood side by side, preparing to demonstrate their acting abilities.

"To settle this once and for all," Qi Fuyi began, "both Yu Weilan and Andromeda Kai would both take on one of the most difficult scenes the character Xu Ming featured in later on in the movie."

He knew this would reveal who could truly bring Xu Ming to life, capturing the essence of the character in a way that would resonate with the audience.

Qi Fuyi's stern gaze filtered through the audience with him before settling on the two ladies. "You shall be acting Act 30, Scene 3. Ready ladies?"

Andromeda gave a nod of approval, but when his gaze went to Yu Weilan, he could sense her nervousness.

"Yu Weilan, anything the matter?"

She shot her head up and nodded frantically. Sadly, all she did only put her less at ease. Not that Qi Fuyi was ready to do much about it. She brought this upon herself in the first place.

"Give them the script," he ordered, his gaze falling to his watch, "and we shall begin in three minutes."

"Yes sir."

Wanting to give Yu Weilan some time to calm her nerves, Andromeda was asked to begin the audition.

For both actresses, it was a moment of truth, a make-or-break performance.

Shutting her eyes briefly, Andromeda steadied her breath. When she reopened them, she glanced at Liu Xueyi. As usual, the love of her life was there to give her the best support she could ask for.

With that, she pictured the scene in her mind and what she was asked to do.

Although it was going to involve a stunt, a bit of personal training, and conflicted emotions at the pain of being in love with the male lead but rejected nonetheless while also being informed of an attack on her hideout, Andromeda knew she just had to do it.

About fifteen minutes elapsed and soon Andromeda was done with the scene.

As the scene unfolded, the room was filled with raw emotions, the character's conflicts and desires portrayed vividly by Andromeda to the point many of those present found tears glistening at the edge of their eyelids.

"Brilliant," Renshu Ru, one of the male actors present, commented.

"Truly," Director Chao Jin-Ho added as the lights came on brighter.

For the next couple of seconds, everyone remained silent as they stared at Andromeda, still captivated by her acting.

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"Whoa!" Another actress present found herself clapping, and soon everyone joined.

By the time Yu Weilan was to take the stage, everyone settled in and watched keenly. Starting like Andromeda, the second she began putting the training into play, Yu Weilan winced, cutting short her act.

Qi Fuyi, who had been observing her, caught sight of it but fell silent and let her continue.

When the training became a bit harder, taking a turn and kicking into the air, Yu Weilan stood on her injured ankle, putting a lot of weight on it.

A sharp cry tore through the air, pricking everyone's attention as she tripped further and fell off stage to the ground, whimpering.

"Quick, get the first aid kit, somebody," Director Chao Jin-Ho hollered.

Without wasting time, Qi Fuyi and Liu Xueyi hurried over to where she had fallen on the ground to help her up.

"Yu Weilan. Weilan? Please respond. Are you okay?"

"This seems serious," Liu Xueyi said.

His words had drawn Qi Fuyi's attention as the latter followed the line of his sight to her ankle.

"She hasn't fully healed. It's swollen."

Everyone around them froze for a second. They all knew how serious this particular entertainment industry was about taking health care seriously.

It was an offense to be injured and on stage, acting.

What was more, the confusion her return had brought only delayed their schedule. Yet, knowing this, she chose to do what was on her mind out of jealousy.

And when given the opportunity to prove herself, not only was she not on par with Andromeda, she flopped based on her injury.

"Call an ambulance, fast!" Qi Fuyi ordered, shocking everyone back to reality. "Yu Weilan, stay with me. Stay with me."