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Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 506 Informing Her Father
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Chapter 506 Informing Her Father



Andromeda's heels clicked with authority on the polished marble floors of the Kai Group's grand headquarters. 

She had made up her mind—she wouldn't allow her father to dictate her life any longer. Having severed ties with him, she had avoided visiting him both at home and at his office. 

The mere thought of encountering Fang Mei, the woman who had replaced her late mother so quickly after her death, was unbearable.

What more was the afterthought of how he quickly took Fang Daiyu as though she was his daughter. 

Entering the company, several eyes, familiar faces and unfamiliar ones all stared in her direction. Keeping her shades on, Andromeda headed straight for the elevator and her father's office. 

Approaching the secretary's desk, Andromeda put on her most polite smile. The young lady behind the desk looked up, her face a mask of practiced professionalism.

One thing was sure, that wasn't Fang Mei, her stepmother. 

She had thought the lady would never leave her father's side, accompanying him as his secretary even after marriage. 

Turns out her age and pride had caught up with her. 

"Good morning," Andromeda greeted.

"Good morning. How may I help you?" the secretary replied, her tone somewhat chilly.

"Is the Chairman in?" she asked, hitting the nail on the head, ignoring her tone.

"And who is asking?" the secretary responded.

Andromeda leaned closer, her voice lowered as if sharing a secret. "I'm here to see my father, Kai Beifang. He wasn't expecting me, but I'm sure he'll make time."

For a brief second, Andromeda was sure she saw the shock in the young lady's eyes. Obviously, she was new and had no idea who she was but that wasn't a problem. Now she knew. 

The secretary's expression remained unyielding. "I'm sorry, but without an appointment, I can't permit you to enter. Mr. Kai is very busy."

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Andromeda rolled her eyes, her patience was wearing thin. 

"I need to see my father," she stated boldly, proving to the new secretary she wasn't joking. 

"I am sorry but you can't. Besides, you could be lying. I know Mr. Kai's daughter."

Andromeda's expression changed, all smiles dropping from her face as she lowered her glasses a little. 

"Let me guess, that imposter, Fang Daiyu?"

  From the guilty look on the lady's face, Andromeda could tell she was right. "By the way, where is his previous secretary, Fang Mei?"

"Mrs. Kai…" the lady had only begun when Andromeda shot her a glare, making her halt in her speech. 

"Fang Mei. That title is reserved for his late wife."

"But as you said, late wife and he has a new one," she refuted.

Although she was right, Andromeda tried not to glare further even though it sickened her having this brat speak about her mother like that. 

Also, she could not blame the young lady. Given who Fang Daiyu was, she was sure she managed to erase every trace of her mother from the company and not just her mum, she was erased too. 

Glancing at the lady's name tag, Andromeda spoke again. "Assistant Secretary Chao Meng, hmm, I see why you are here. You are her assistant. I knew that lady could never leave or get her claws off my father. Now she left her minion."

Before Chao Meng could speak, Andromeda turned sideways and pulled out her phone from her bag. 

Her fingers danced across the screen as she dialed her father's number. As the phone rang, she kept her gaze locked on the secretary, making it clear that she wouldn't be easily deterred.

On the other hand, Kai Beifang who was engrossed in an online meeting, was startled by his phone's sudden ring. He glanced at the caller's ID and saw his daughter's name. 

He thought she took his words to heart and never wanted anything to do with him again. An eyebrow raised in surprise as he accepted the call.

"It took you a long time to come to your senses and apologize," Kai Beifang stated, his voice laced with arrogance.

But Andromeda's response was far from what he expected. She scoffed, stunning him further. 

"I'm at your company, Father, and that's the last thing I'm here to do. Apologize to you."

Her audacity left Kai Beifang and his assistant secretary momentarily speechless. It was a rare occasion that someone openly challenged him. He wasn't used to such defiance. 

"Anyways, I'm coming in." Before he could regain his composure, Andromeda hung up.

Chao Meng had her brows furrowed by the way Andromeda spoke. Deep down, in the whispers of the company, she had heard that the Chairman had a daughter other than Fang Daiyu but since her arrival, she had not met the lady. 

Although she did hear of an Andromeda Kai and just felt they shared a surname which was common for most persons who weren't related. 

Casting one more glance at Chao Meng, Andromeda headed for Kai Beifang's office. 

"Hey, wait!" Chao Meng called after her. 

Ignoring the assistant secretary's attempt to stop her, Andromeda turned the door knob and cat-walked into her father's office. 

"Hey, wait!" Chao Meng called out once more as she too chased after Andromeda. 

The second Andromeda laid eyes on her father and their eyes met, she looked at him, her gaze triumphant.

While visibly irritated Kai Beifang didn't lash out. A second later, Chao Meng hurried into the office, her breathing ragged. 

She straightened herself, her gaze locked on Kai Beifang. "Sir, I tried to stop her but she…"

With a wave of his palm, he cut her short and dismissed her. "You can go," he told his assistant secretary.

The look on his face told her she was going to get in trouble because of Andromeda. Swallowing her words, the young lady left the room, casting a parting scowl at Andromeda.

Keeping her smile, Andromeda ignored her.

Andromeda wasted no time. She approached her father's desk and leaned casually against it. "I heard about your involvement in the Sun family's affairs," she said, her tone laced with suspicion.

Her father's expression remained composed. "And what's it to you, Andromeda? You've cut your ties with this family."

Andromeda's gaze turned sharp. "Oh yes. Right after saying you disowned your only child."

"I have Kai Chen!" Kai Beifang refuted.

"I never accepted him," she spat back. "And yeah, was that also why you disowned me, because you had a male son?"

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"Andromeda you know that wasn't the reason I…"

She lifted her palm, interjecting him. "Save it."

"What is your problem with how I chose to run the only family who cares about me after you cast it aside? What is it to you, huh?" he questioned again.

"This isn't about me. It's about Mom, Dad. She wouldn't want you to get involved in shady dealings. Don't forget your actions also affect her legacy."

Kai Beifang's temper flared, his composure beginning to crack. "You've got some nerve, girl. You think you can lecture me?"

Andromeda's lips curled into a triumphant smile. "I'm just trying to honour my mother's memory. You can do as you please, but you should know that Mom wouldn't be happy with you right now."

"Excuse me? Happy with me?"

"Yes. With how you honoured her memory, how you treated the child born out of your love with her and how quickly she was replaced. Makes one wonder whether or not her death was just as it was stated. And now you wish to kill the company because of another man's daughter."

Her father's frustration bubbled to the surface. "No one is killing the company, Andromeda! And your mother's death was purely natural. I can choose to live my life after that and not be hung up like you are."

"You're wrong. I am not hung up. Unlike you, I respected her image."

"How?" Kai Beifang challenged her, rising to his feet. "By running away when I needed you?"

"Excuse me?" Andromeda snapped, standing straight. She scoffed once more. "Face it, father. You never needed me. You had her even before I returned."

His face turned red with anger. He could not condone this new Andromeda. She was sharp tongued and very on edge with him. 

"If you can't be happy for your step-sister, then you should've stayed away," Kai Beifang retaliated, gearing the topic back on track and away from his laspes.

Andromeda's smile remained fixed, but there was a sadness in her eyes. "You're the same as ever, Dad. Even worse since Mom passed."

"Death does a number of things to a human being."

"Yes, but not this way. You saw mum's death as an avenue to be with your mistress. I do not even recognize you anymore."

"I am still the same man. It is you who has changed. You are not the Andromeda I used to know. She would have been happy for Daiyu."

"No, I'm not. I am older and wiser. Well, do as you please. I'm happy for her. Just remember not to regret your decisions, like you've never regretted disowning me."

With that, Andromeda turned and walked away, leaving her father with his anger and his choices. 

Deep down, she felt a pang of sorrow that he never seemed to want to hear her out, always putting Fang Mei and Fang Daiyu before her.