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Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 495 A Different Point of View
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Chapter 495 A Different Point of View



Yu An's eyes glimmered with amusement as she recounted her recent encounter. "Hahha, you should have seen his face," she giggled, her voice dancing with mischief.

"Unfortunately, I pulled back and cleared my throat. Just as I was about to excuse myself when Di Feng called, he gripped my hands, but within two seconds, he was passed out cold on the table."

"Nice, the sleeping drug took effect at the right time," Shen Chan-Juan said, quickly grasping the situation. 

"Exactly," Yu An confirmed, her expression turning wicked. "His grip was infuriatingly strong. I didn't want to resort to breaking a finger or two just for touching me."

A dark glint flickered in her eyes, and she let out a sinister smirk. "It would have been a delicious sight to watch his screams pierce the air, his eyes bulging in sheer horror."

With that, Yu An threw her head back and laughed, the sound echoing through the lavishly decorated room, sending a shiver down the spine of anyone who heard her.

Shen Chan-Juan, ever the pragmatic and level-headed one, cleared her throat, bringing an end to the macabre amusement and getting her nieces' attention. "Ahem. Now, let's not get carried away. How are things with Sun Yichen?"

Yu An's expression shifted from wicked glee to one of contemplation, and her smile widened. "Things are proceeding precisely according to plan. Just a few more months, and my next target will have ripened."

Her aunt nodded with a knowing glint in her eyes. "Ha, I look forward to you becoming the undisputed queen of this city when you capture Liu Xueyi in your beguiling trap, my dear."

"Soon, aunty, soon," Yu An replied with unwavering determination.

Her eyes sparkled with ambition, and her heart beat with the rhythm of power. It was time to reshape the city in her image. She wasn't a lady to back down.

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~Kai Group~

Kai Beifang sat behind his grand mahogany desk in his office. The room was adorned with artworks, a show of his exquisite taste in art.

He was in the midst of reviewing some important documents when a gentle knock on the door disrupted his concentration.

"Come in," he called, his voice resonating with authority.

The door opened to reveal his Vice-CEO, Long Fan a man known for his business shrewdness and loyalty. He entered the room with a folder tucked under his arm, his expression grave.

"Mr. Kai," the Long Fan began, "I have something crucial to discuss."

Kai Beifang gestured for him to proceed; his steely gaze fixed on the folder. "Have a seat," he offered.

Long Fan did as he was told but immediately, he went to the matter at hand.

"Sir, it has come to my attention that the Sun Group is involved in a rather shady business deal," he reported, his voice laced with concern. "They are attempting to secure a merger that involves dubious practices and questionable partners."

Kai Beifang remained silent for a moment, his fingers steepled in front of him. His mind raced, contemplating the implications of such a revelation.

"And what is your assessment?" he finally inquired after some time with a measured voice.

Long Fan hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "Well, it could be a lucrative venture, Mr. Kai, but it carries substantial risks. It's a path we should tread cautiously, if at all."

"And if not?" Kai Beifang questioned. "What will you have us do should things prove as you have said?"

"I'd prefer we stay clear of business dealings with them. I heard that their recent business trouble was caused by Liu Corporation. Apparently, Liu Xueyi had no interest in doing business with them. Have you wondered why?"

Kai Beifang did not say anything but the look in his eyes told Long Fan he silently wished to know. 

"I believe it is because of shady deals like this," Long Fan finalized.

Kai Beifang continued to ponder the situation, his mind a whirlwind of calculations and possibilities.

The Sun Group's business practices had always been a topic of speculation, and this news only added to the complexity of the situation.

"We are soon going to be in-laws," Kai Beifang mused aloud, his gaze unfocused as he considered the implications of a business relationship with the Sun Group. "It would be beneficial for the Kai Group to diversify into other sectors."

Long Fan nodded in agreement, recognizing the wisdom in Kai Beifang's words. "Indeed, it would promote the prestige of both the Kai family and the Sun family. It could strengthen our position in the business world."

"You see. I do not wish for us to miss out on such an opportunity," Kai Beifang pointed out. 

"But sir," Long Fan tried to convince him against it. 

However, Kai Beifang remained lost in thought, his decision far from clear-cut. He had a reputation for his shrewd business acumen, and he wasn't one to make decisions hastily.

Unknown to his Vice-CEO, another figure had been working behind the scenes to sway Kai Beifang's opinion, thus clouding his insights a bit.

Fang Mei had been advocating for the merger, seeing it as a means to strengthen their family's position and secure their legacy.

She knew that the prestige of the Kai family could only benefit from such an alliance.

But most importantly, all she sought was raising herself and her children at all cost no matter whom she used or hurt.

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Yet, as the Vice-CEO continued to present the pros and cons of the potential merger, Kai Beifang remained silent, his thoughts a tempest of conflicting interests and familial ties.

He knew the fate of the Kai Group hung in the balance, and he alone held the power to make the pivotal decision.

"Why can't ypu see the greatness this can bring," Kai Beifang questioned after some time.

"I do see it," Long Fan nodded. 

"And if you see it why shy away?" Long Fan heaved a deep sigh but Kai Beifang carried on, not giving him a chance to speak. "I know there are risks but you can't get some great things in life by playing it safe."

"That I agree to, risk and all."

"But…" Kai Beifang's voice trailed off. Having been in business with Long Fan for over ten years, he could easily tell what his vice was thinking.

"But, how about not doing major deals with them in the meantime, till we can test the waters? I think that is fair and safe. You do not wish to see Kai Group failing, do you?"

He took a long pause and shook his head. 

"My thoughts exactly, sir. I know how much this company means to you and your family, especially the Late Mrs. Kai. It would be bad seeing it go down because of marital ties."

Kai Beifang shot him a glare, silently warning him to watch his words.

"I am sorry you may find this offensive but I value you and this company to see it fall."

Taking Long Fan's words to heart, he threw away the issue of marital ties for benefits and looked at the situation from a different point of view.

Indeed, he was rushing and trusting the words of a woman who wasn't as business-inclined as he was.

Resigning himself to Long Fan's advice, he responded, "I understand. For now, carry on with your plan and do not make it obvious we are stalling."

"Yes sir."