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Dragon Monarch System-Novel

Chapter 684 684:- Felix's Backstory
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"Sir, where are we going?" Asked the carriage driver to Felix.

"To the military training facility." The Carriage driver nodded and started carefully driving the carriage. The carriage Driver had been specially hired because he knew every corner, street, and alley of Azure City.

Meanwhile, Felix was lost in his thoughts while staring outside through the window of the carriage.

The window of the carriage was special. Outsiders cannot see the people sitting inside the carriage, but from the carriage, everything outside can be seen.

Due to traffic, the carriage couldn't run at its full speed. The carriage was moving slowly.

Due to its golden color, the carriage attracted a lot of attention as it moved on the street. Felix could see people staring at his carriage.

Seeing this, Felix felt a sense of satisfaction in his mind. A satisfied smile appeared on his face.

For decades, Felix has worked hard to reach this level.

Felix noticed a group of poor people staring at his golden carriage. These people wore old and worn-out clothes.

'Once, there was a twhen I was also just like them.'

'No, my position was even worse than theirs.' Felix closed his eyes as he remembered about his past.

Felix was born into a very poor family. He saw nothing but poverty while growing up. His parents had many siblings. He had so many siblings that he could not even remember all of their faces and names. For as long as he could remember, his biological mother was always pregnant. He has never seen his mother with a normal stomach.

And the worst thing was that his father had married multiple women. All of his mothers were always pregnant. Felix still remembers his mother walking around with a huge stomach.

His father showed no love, compassion, or care towards him or any of his siblings. Growing up, Felix never received any love from his parents. During the day, his parents worked in their field, while at night, they had fun.

His parents did not have enough money or food to feed everyone. Food was very limited. In fact, food was so limited that Felix had to sleep on an empty stomach for many nights. This torture continued till he reached the age of 5.

As a result, he, who was the eldest one, was sold as a slave just at the age of 5. This ended the phase one of Felix's life.

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Felix soon realized that this was still 100 times more comfortable.

While being a slave, Felix saw the cruel side of life. Just at the age of 5, he was forced to plant illegal drugs in the middle of the forest without any protection. He and many other children were forced to do the same. Every single day, they had to work in the fields. Sometimes, magic animals would attack and would kill a few of them.

It did not take Felix long to understand that if he stayed there, he was also going to die. So he started making a plan. He knew that he alone could not do anything. So, he involved all the children in his plan. He had manipulated them all. He then created a plan against their master.

But just the day before everyone was about to act, Felix betrayed everyone and leaked the plan to the master. Which resulted in all the children's deaths, but Felix did not care. He knew from the beginning that it was impossible to do anything to his slave master and his men. It was nothing but stupid wishful thinking. He did all of this to gain the trust of his slave master and gain his favor.

Through his actions, he had gained freedom and the trust of his Master. From then on, his life started to improve a bit.

At such a young age, Felix realized one thing: power is everything in this world. Power was the ultimate key to freedom. With enough power, he could basically do whatever he wanted and wished to do and could get away after doing it with no consequences.

This also started the 3rd phase of this life. This also marked the rise of Warblade Merchant Felix. In this phase, Felix gained a deep understanding of how this cruel and dark world around him works. In his phase, Felix made connections with strong people and took the very first step towards becoming the legendary Warblade Merchant Felix.

After gaining his Master's trust, he no longer worked in the fields. Within a few years, he kept rising in the ranks. With each successful mission and by remaining loyal to his master, Felix was able to climb the ranks to becone of his master's most trusted men. Also, during this period of his life, he basically got whatever he wanted. He made connections that went on to help him in his rise. During this phase, he also made numerous enemies that he was able to put down.

He soon was able to becthe right-hand man of his Master. And a few more years later, there ca twhen he was looking after his Master's business while his Master was relaxing. His master had basically half-retired. He had left everything in Felix's hand.

It was also during this tthat Felix becmore aggressive. He had bigger ambitions in life. He wanted power. Felix did this for a few years. Without his master knowing about it, he slowly took full control of his Master's business, and when the tcame, he betrayed his master.

His Master had grown old and no longer had the spower as he did in his prime. At the stime, Felix had grown to beca powerful cultivator. He was a genius at manipulation and selling.

Since then, Felix has never turned back. Due to his backstory and the conditions of his childhood, from a young age, Felix always has been hungry for power. He was taught the hard way what power really could do. He understood that power was everything.

"And now I have that power.....!!!"



Scene change______

"Sir, who are we waiting for this early in the morning?" Asked a soldier from the 7th division. It had been over 5 minutes since they had been waiting at the entrance for someone. And As for who that someone was, they had no idea about it.

"We are waiting for Felix," Replied the vice-captain of the 7th division. His nwas Allen. Allen was one of the strongest and most talented Dragonians in the 7th Division and the imperial troops.

Allen was skinny, standing 5 feet 7 inches tall. He had pale white skin and red eyes. Allen was half Vampire and half human.

"Sir, do you mean the Warblade Merchant Felix?" Asked another troop in a surprised tone.

Felix was very popular. Since his arrival at the Capital, almost a big shot in Azure City has heard about him.

"Yes!!" Allen nodded his head while looking ahead.

"But sir, why is he coming here?"

"We all will know very soon." As Allen finished replying, they all noticed a golden carriage rapidly approaching.

The golden carriage stopped in front of them.

Felix was here.

"Hello, I am Allen, vice-captain of the 7th Division. It's nice to meet you." Allen said while shaking hands with Felix.

"Hello, Vice-Captain. I am Felix." Felix had a polite smile on his face.

"Please just callAllen. Please follow me, our captain is waiting for you." Allen lead Felix to the 7th division.

Henry was watching over snew recruits train. As Felix, along with Allen, arrived, Henry immediately noticed them.

"It's finally nice to meet you, Captain, or should I say, General. I am Felix." Felix extended his hand for a handshake.

Henry shook hands with Felix while nodding his head. "Hello, I am Henry. Just callHenry."

"Allen took after the recruits. Make sure that no one is slacking off." Henry ordered Allen.

"Yes, Captain."

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"Mr. Felix, please follow me."

While walking with General Henry, Felix looked around the 7th division. He was impressed. The Empire's troops' training system was way better than that of most empires.

"I have heard a lot of good things about you, Captain." Henry nodded his head. Henry was cold-natured. He didn't really like to speak much. He only spoke when necessary.

"Captain, you and I have a similar past." Hearing this statement, Henry stopped walking and turned around.

"Just like you, once I was also a slave."

"The difference between you andis that you were a General who failed to protect His King and the Kingdom, while I was an unwanted product, sold as a slave." Henry looked at Felix in silence for a few seconds before he continued walking.

What Felix said just now had definitely stung Henry in his heart. It was an undeniable truth. Before becoming a slave, Henry was a failed General.The Kingdom that he served was destroyed, and he was sold as a slave as his mana heart was destroyed.

"You and I have done a lot of things that we are not proud of." As Felix finished saying these words, Henry stopped once again. Henry remembered the horrible things from his past.

"That's enough...!!" Henry said in a cold tone without looking at Felix.

"Finish your task as soon as possible and get out of here. I don't want to see you here anymore." Henry said in a cold tone.

"I am sorry, Captain. I did not mean to hurt you with my words. I was only saying these things because both of our pasts are a lot more similar than we realize. It's our past that has shaped our present characters." Hearing this, Henry becquiet.

On their way, Felix did not say anything else. Henry led Felix to Aditya, who was currently having a discussion with other Generals.

"Spencer's wedding has to be perfect. I don't want anything to ruin his wedding day. For that, I will need all of you to work together." Aditya was about to continue but he stopped sensing Felix's presence just outside of the room.

"Your Majesty, it's nice to see you again." Aditya paused upon seeing Felix.

Aditya just nodded his head to Felix.

"Your Majesty, I have cto deliver more of your ordered weapons."


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